Sex in a Water Park Changing Room

Celeste stepped out of the lazy river and peered around. People bustled all around her, but no one paid attention. The lifeguards’ eyes were on the pools. Parents were watching their kids. Only one set of eyes was on hers.

Their eyes connected, and she smirked. Chris had come. He was sitting at the bar on the second level balcony overlooking the entire park, and he had spotted her.

She smirked up at him and walked toward the family changing rooms, glancing back at him before slipping into the stall without a bag or anything to change into.

Chris wasn’t too far behind. He knocked on the door three times and waited for a response from his friend.

“Occupied?” he asked through the door.

She unlocked the door and allowed him to step inside, before shutting it again and clicking the lock into place. The stall doors didn’t hit the floor, and she knew if anyone was paying attention, they would see two sets of adult feet under the stall, or, perhaps, only one if her legs were wrapped around his waist.

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Mile High Club [Sexy fantasies]

Celeste sat down in her seat, strapping the belt over her lap. She dreaded seeing who would sit next to her. It was a short flight, but rolling the dice with a stranger seemed to not work in her favor.

Several attractive men came down the aisle, one-after-one, but none of them took a seat next to her. She frowned and waited. When it seemed like everyone had boarded, she sighed with relief.

She had the row to herself.

But then another group boarded, and she held her breath. Certainly she was going to get a very chatty old lady or a smelly person. She wasn’t about to get someone who wanted to mind their own business.

When it seemed like everyone would pass her, a man stopped and looked up at the seat numbers. He shoved his bag into the overhead bin and smiled at her before sitting down.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hi.” She gave him a friendly smile.

He scrolled through his phone while they waited for the cabin doors to close and the announcement to come through that everything needed to go into airplane mode. In the meantime, she pulled out a romance novel she was reading.

Ride of Her Life

Celeste stepped out of the shower after having just gotten home earlier that day from getting freshly waxed. She couldn’t wait until Chris came over.

She unlocked her front door after receiving a text that he was on his way and waited on her bed… naked.

*Door is unlocked*, she texted back.

A few minutes later, she heard the front door open and close again.

“Honey, I’m home,” he called out jokingly.

“In here,” she called back.

Within seconds, he was stepping inside her bedroom, and then stopped short.

His eyes roamed over her body hungrily, and his Adam’s apple bobbed with a hard swallow.

“Well, isn’t this a nice surprise.” His voice came out low and husky.

She smiled and crawled toward the edge of the bed before sitting up on her knees and beckoning him closer with a finger.

He didn’t hesitate. Once he was within reach, she slowly undid his tie and pulled it off his neck before discarding it on the floor. The rest of his clothes soon followed, and his thick erection bobbed between them.

“Lay down,” she said.

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Red Room – Last Time

Celeste pulled up to the familiar house for the last time. The sex was great, and she wanted to continue, but she knew it was time to move on. She couldn’t keep this up for long before she’d develop feelings for a man she hardly knew.

Well, she *knew* him. Just not in the way she should if she were to develop feelings.

She sighed and gazed at the house that contained the man and the room she had grown to enjoy seeing every weekend.

He pulled the door open before she had the chance to knock and ushered her inside. Instead of immediately walking down the hallway, he pressed her back up against the door and kissed her. Her body relaxed. When he pulled away and she pried her eyes open, she saw they weren’t alone. A woman stood off to the side, watching them.

The woman smiled. “Finally. We officially meet. I’m Angela.”

Celeste furrowed her brow. She had no idea who this woman was or why she wanted to meet her. Angela only gave her a knowing smile, and it suddenly dawned on Celeste. This was the third person in the room the week before.

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Red Room – Third Time’s a Charm

Celeste pulled up to the familiar house. The butterflies still flew around roughly in her stomach as if they carried tiny battering rams. She couldn’t get up to the house quickly enough, and he seemed equally excited as he pulled the door open before she could knock.

They didn’t waste time before they walked into the Red Room.

Before he could ask, she was naked and turning to face him. Already bare chested, he dropped his sweatpants in front of her. Her heart thundered in her chest as she unabashedly looked him up and down.

He took a step closer, and his fingers tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Pineapple?”

“Pineapple,” she confirmed.

“Do you trust me?”

She gave him a questioning look. They were beyond trust at this point. She showed up at a stranger’s house three times now. He had yet to take anything too far. She nodded.

“Of course.”

“I’m not going to use protection this time. Are you on birth control?”

She thought about it. Did she trust him enough to go without protection? What if she got an STD? Was that something she was willing to risk?

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Red Room [Sex with a stranger]

Celeste perused the sexual want ads out of curiosity. She enjoyed reading about the sexual kinks people were looking for, but had yet to want to answer an ad.

Until now.

The subject read “Red Room”.

She clicked on it and pulled open a message with photos showing almost an exact replica of Christian Grey’s sex room. An assortment of sexual items were on display, but the one thing that caught her attention the most was a swing. A sex swing. It was something she had always wanted to try. Before she knew what she was doing, she had typed out an email with only two words: I’m in.

It didn’t take the guy long to reply and send her his address. Red flags went up in her mind about a serial killer, but she threw caution to the wind. She texted a friend with the address where she was going, and let fate take her.

Pulling up to his place, she kept her purse clutched to her side and pepper spray fisted in her hand. After she knocked on the door, she stood back several feet, hoping the man wasn’t old and gross.

Bar [When you’re stood up, fuck the bartender]

Celeste sat down on an open seat at the bar. The place was deserted since it was the middle of the day. She was supposed to be meeting someone there, but as she glanced around, she realized he was going to be a no show.

She shrugged and smiled over at the bartender. His black t-shirt left little to the imagination with the way it hugged him. His jeans hugged his backside and sculpted his thighs, his black hair slicked back.

“What are you having?” he asked.

Her eyes washed over the various bottles of alcohol along the back wall.

“A lemon drop, please.”

She watched him mix the drink and leaned forward on the counter, glancing toward the front door. The place had been empty when she came in and remained empty.

“Are you always this slow?”

He glanced up at her with an eyebrow raised.

“No. I meant the bar. It’s dead in here.”

His lips lifted into a smile, and he shrugged. “Sometimes.”

He finished making her drink and set it down in front of her, then leaned against the counter. Her eyes strayed to the door again as she took a sip.

Rooftop sex

Celeste leaned against the railing, holding her martini in hand. The lights of the city shone out before her. She loved the peace of being above the noise, the sounds below distant despite her being right in the middle of the action.

The warm air allowed her to keep her sweater draped over the back of the lounger a few feet away. She was in a rental in the city, a place she had considered renting long-term in the future while her place was being renovated.

Something about being above the busyness of the city relaxed her.

His arms circled her waist, and she instinctively leaned into his chest. His warmth enveloped her and completely relaxed her.

“Enjoying the view?”

She hummed.

“I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in,” he whispered into her ear.

“Not at all.”

He pressed a kiss to her neck as his hands circled her waist. She leaned back into him and sighed.

“Do you know what I want?” he whispered.


His hands came up to her chest and massaged her breasts.

A sigh escaped her lips. “I love that.”

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Car [Care for some car sex?]

*I see you.*

Celeste looked up from her cell phone and glanced around her. She furrowed her eyebrows and then glanced back down at the phone. The little dots danced across the screen, showing that he was texting.

*White car outside the window.*

Looking outside, she saw him peering at her through the tinted glass. She smirked. He knew she frequented this coffee shop, which meant he was looking for her.

She looked back down at her phone and typed out a reply. *Care to join me for a cup?*

She knew he didn’t want to. He would have come inside if he had. He wanted her to join him.

*Care to join me for a ride?*

A ride could mean two things, and she knew he intended the pun. She drank the rest of her coffee, slipped her laptop into the case, and walked out of the coffee shop. Within seconds, she was sliding into his car.

He smiled and put the car into drive. After pulling away from the curb, he moved a hand to her thigh.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked.

Bathroom [Sex in a public restroom during a formal event]

Celeste walked through the ballroom doors and slowly strolled through the crowd. She pretended to look at the items available for the silent auction, but that wasn’t why she was there. She had one mission. Her eyes rolled over the crowd, looking for that familiar head of blonde hair she grew to love. Spotting him over by the bar, she continued to drift through the crowd, panning her eyes in his direction waiting for him to spot her.

She wasn’t sure if he was expecting her. She hadn’t told him she was coming, but this was their routine—find as many places to do it as possible and see if they could get away with it.

His green eyes spotted her and her lips quirked in a half smile. The lust on his face was clear. He wanted her.

Her eyes rolled over to the restroom and back to him. With a curt nod, he turned back to the people he was chatting with to wind down the conversation while she made her way over to the restrooms.

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