3:55, the clock read, as Bob pulled into his parking spot a 3 minute walk away from the 5 Lakes restaurant. He was just on time to work.
“Totally radical dude”, he mumbled to himself under his breath. Which is how he always talked to himself, apparently. And he made his way to the restaurant.
Walking inside, he saw his best friend in the whole wide world; Bill. Bill’s parents wanted to name him Ryan, but his parents decided against it because Bill’s mother was gripped with with a sudden random paranoia that one day their son would be the subject of an erotic friendfiction, and if he was named Ryan it would somehow get the author in trouble with the HR department. It made no sense to Bill’s father, but he went along with it anyway, and that’s how Bill became Bill.
Bill and Bob were best friends primarily because they got along so well together, but a part of it was that Bob’s mother had a similar fit of hysteria when he was born. He was supposed to be named Ian, but his mom was suddenly gripped with this irrational friendfiction paranoia, and he was named Bob instead.