(M25) To protect my servant. Pt.1

“I think I want to watch you dance. I would love to see you crawl to me, and feel like you give it all to me.

I need to keep you in my space. I can’t help but love your face, your place. These things are you for you and me to love, explore, a huge keepsake.”

I looked at myself and stretched. I don’t want to hurt myself. I strive to impress, every time, nothing less.

I can often be too rough on myself. I set boundaries before I get inside her space to remember to enjoy it. Remind myself that she enjoys my duality before I go to my other self.

“Her cheeks are supple her ass is mine.
“Her disgrace is mine, her love is mine.”
“Im energetic, fruitful hopeful, clandestine.”

I walk out of the bathroom to see her in the position. Her ass facing me, her eyes closed.

I keep the moment and step across the floor, my noise setting her off, having a flinch. Readjusting to the change in the air.

Things that make me ravenous. She’s everything to me. She couldn’t help but puff out a breathe, a sigh.

The Hunt Pt. 1 [Free Use]

The desk woman stamped down onto the letter “Sylvia May!”

She said as she walked to pick up her id badge. Sylvia walked to the middle of the lobby to wait

The orientation was a roaring success packed to the brim with new students.
Tall and anxious lanky boys alike, smushed between the occasionally stern and bulky athlete.The girls were mostly the same, mostly stark brunettes some quirky and short, others bright and bushy tailed, Sylvia being one of them. In general the UCET girls class usually outnumbered them by quite a bit at on the rural campus.They were packed tight,

A door opened with a loud smack and a flock of girls came in, loud and chatty, coffees in hand, two of them wearing graphic tees and levi shorts, others in leggings, seemed in awe at the lobby.

-Sydney stop being an attention whore!

Cassie yelled.

-He looks like my ex.

“Give me a break.” Sylvia said to herself as they walked past her.

Sylvia looked over and eyed the group.

“The out of state students always seemed to stick out, so dont feel left out.”