Looking for ideas/help on exhibitionism story.

Running out of ideas on a little project I’m working on. What I am looking for is just ideas “rules” regarding exhibitionism under the context of it being a group thing (meaning everyone has to follow the rule). I want the characters to get used to public nudity/sex and each day they are given a new rule they must comply with to gradually help them get used to it. Each rule is only meant to last one day, but there are room for permanent ones too.

For example, one day they are asked to just wear skimpier clothes and the next day they are asked to not wear underwear for a day. I need more rules to gradually take it from that to outright full on nudity in the group for the day or sex. I have ideas, but they are for “later days” and wouldn’t make sense to make a leap like that for the characters since they, for the most part, start off being embarrassed to even do what I’ve described so far.

All characters are willing, embarrassed, but willing, so preferably nothing too forceful.

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