[MF] Kathy the Whore

This is companion piece to **Nerdy Girl from Algebra**:[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f938y5/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_2/), [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f9hwrh/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_3/), [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/falcyg/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_4/), [Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fb5ji5/mff_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_5/)

I didn’t have much experience before Carl.

I had a boyfriend for most of high school. Not the same boyfriend, but I always seemed to have a boyfriend. I knew I wasn’t the hottest girl, but I knew I was hot enough. My stomach wasn’t too fat, and my boobs and butt were just fat enough that I could get most guys attention, and really it didn’t take more than that if I didn’t wanna be alone.

But I seemed to attract a certain kinda boring guy. I think deep down they all wanted sex, and sometimes, I gave it to them, but for me it was really just “okay”. And those boring guys were too polite to push the issue. I sort of, feel like, if they had maybe I’d have been better off. But they didn’t.

So I wasn’t exactly a virgin heading into University, but I was pretty darn innocent regardless.


Rendezvous at the Red Room [FM, MFFM] [Written For Her Pleasure]

*This is written for a lady, you have to take on her mindset to enjoy it. All you have to know about her is that she’s beautiful, has a bit of a submissive streak, and deserves endless pleasure.*

The doorbell rings. You rush to your front door; you open it to find nothing but a lonely package sitting on your doorstep. The package is small, the size of a ring box, and it is rather unremarkable. The dull ivory of the box is only offset by the baby blue bow that holds the lid on. You undo the bow, remove the lid and find as you expected, as you hoped for, a key and a note. The note reads:

> Red Room #843; I will arrive at three o’clock this afternoon. Leave a note with the front desk telling me where you will be waiting. The bow that sealed this box: if I find you wearing in your hair I will take you right then and there. Be sure to dress appropriately.

[MFF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra, Part 5

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f938y5/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_2/), [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f9hwrh/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_3/), [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/falcyg/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_4/)

*for maximum impact, I urge you to read the other parts first*

I feel her tongue flicker against my ear lobe as she whispers into it, “Well, nod if you understand?”

I feel her grip on my balls tighten as she says it. She wants the answer she wants, and I wonder deep down if I even could give her anything else.

I wonder why she’s choosing to whisper so suddenly, she had been bold and brazen and bitchy when she commanded seconds earlier that I bring her to my girlfriend.


That’s the hesitance.

How, if I go through with this, will that relationship not change forever?

But then, last time I went to the kink zone with this stranger it changed my relationship with Kathy very much for the better.

I nod.

I feel her smile before she whispers, “Good boy.”

Then she removes her hand from my balls, uses it to take me by the hand and walk with me out of the building.

As we walk she asks if I know where to find “the whore” and I nod.

[MF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra, Part 4

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f938y5/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_2/), [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f9hwrh/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_3/)

I arrived in at Algebra class and sat down in my usual spot, but the nameless nerdy dom girl never showed.

I scanned the lecture hall the entire 50 minutes the class lasted, but could not spot her.

When lecture ended I rushed to the door, and by that I mean I literally ran down the stairs to beat everyone to it. Then right before I would have left, suddenly pretended to have to look for something in my bag right by the only exit, so I’d be sure if she was in the room she would not escape me. I didn’t care if everyone else in the room thought I was some idiot – they would be right, I was an idiot for ass.

But all I proved as the room emptied out was that my great expectations were a giant bust.

I even hung onto false hope and waited outside the room, incase she would show up later. I don’t remember how long I waited, maybe an hour, before I finally admitted to myself that what had happened was indeed too good to be true.

[MF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra, Part 3

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f938y5/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra_part_2/)

Since our encounter in her dorm room, all I’d thought about was the nameless nerdy girl with the appetite for “my whore Kathy”.

That had happened last Thursday, I’d had the weekend to dwell on it, and every time I did I was instantly hard and my balls literally ached. She had left me with simultaneously the greatest and worst case of blue balls in history. But she also left me with a mission.

*Kathy’s Ass*

I didn’t feel any love for, or obligation to, Kathy. She was a classic college fling. I wasn’t even sure we’d defined what was going on between us to that point. Were we exclusive? Did that matter? I was half sure she was banging someone else too on occasion – only difference was she wasn’t actively trying to bang me up the backside to fulfill someone else’s fetish.

I felt a twinge of guilt but that didn’t stop me from calling Kathy and making sure she was showing up to my dorm room that Tuesday, around the same time she had right before my last Algebra class.

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra, Part 2

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f8yv3p/mf_nerdy_girl_from_algebra/)

We walked in silence to her dorm. It wasn’t far across the campus. I didn’t dare speak and piss her off. Not from fear of her, but from fear of her telling me to just straight fuck off. I wanted whatever this was going to be.

This stranger girl’s words, “I want to taste her,” kept rattling around in my brain. I thought of the girl that would be tasted – by all traditional accounts she was more attractive than the girl who held me by the hand. She had bigger breasts, curvier curves, a prettier face, much sexier clothing when she happened to be wearing any…

Yet I had a fucking raging erection for this nerdy girl leading me to a place I couldn’t imagine.

She suddenly broke the silence, “Stay here, do not move. And you better be here when I come back out.”

I did as she said when she disappeared into her building. I stood at the entrance like a good boy.

A few minutes later she returned, wearing a small pink robe, and seemingly nothing else. Obvious bare feet and smooth legs that looked far better than I would have imagined.

[MF] Nerdy Girl from Algebra

She sat behind me in Algebra class most days.

I hadn’t noticed her before. She seemed dorky and geeky and shy and a whole host of other things that would make her invisible to most men.

Well one day I was late to class, because I’d just gotten lucky with a girl I was seeing. And by just I mean, minutes before class back in my dorm room.

Normally I would have just knocked off class, but we were supposed to have a quiz that day, so I had an alarm set to remind me. Well when it went off I was balls deep in my lady, so I finished quickly with a totally awkward “sorry”. Then I scrambled, and in my haste, just grabbed jeans and my t-shirt and didn’t bother to locate my underwear. That’d turn out to be rather fortuitous.

So I arrived in class and I could see her staring. It was strange, I certainly recognized her but I don’t think I’d ever really seen her before that day. Not in any real way. But she looked at me, almost through me, it was like she could tell I was commando?

Categorized as Erotica