[Mf] [nc] The guinea pig

Dr. Beecher faced the auditorium. At least 20 of his collegues were assambeled. They all wanted to witness the first test and what he had planned. Some of them envied them for the chance to do those studies. He had just finished his presentation and short introduction. He now looked at them. Letting his gaze drift over them. Their eyes were fixed on him. He had their full attention. He smirked for a moment then he started to talk again “As I outlined in my presentation, the main focus of my studies is how various stimuli can be interchanged. How one reaction can move from one stimulation to another. Simply by association.” He pressed the button on his remote. Showing a picture of a young women. She was beautiful. Long legs. Athletic. Long curly hair. Her eyes had a shine to them that could captivate you. She wore a tight sprots outfit. Ready to head out for a run. “This is Magdalena. A young woman, full of life. More important however is her condition. Strong muscles, good breathing, a strong heart. All in all that should have a long healthy life in front of her.” He pressed another button. Showing the same woman in a hosptial bed. Her limbs missong. the stumps bandaged. Her eyes were sad. She had lost some weight For the shape she was in she still looked like she was in a fairly good condition. “This is her now. She had been on vacatin overseas and caught a nasty infection. Unfortunately by the time she was back home the infection had spread and we hat to amputate her arm just after her shoulder as well as her legs just under her hips.” He turned slightly, looking at the picture. “Unfortunately she didn’t have the funds to pay for her medical costs. Her family was also not able to help and pay for her bills. In accordance with the new medical laws she became property of the hospital.” He put on a sad face. It was a tragedy, no quetion about it. At the same time it had been the jackpot for him. The perfect candiate for his experiments.

[Mf] [fantasy] Everything is normal

I do not know when it started. It was little things at first and I didn’t think much about it. I don’t even know why this happens to me. Am I some kind of mutant out of a comic book? Am I an alien or was I altered in some other way? I do not know. All I know is that everything I do is … normal. At least that is how it is preceived by others. I do remember having a test at school I didn’t learn much. I decided to look over to Jim and see what he wrote. My teacher, Mrs Hain, noticed. She looked at me. She clearly had seen me. I remember how my heart almost stopped. I expected her to get angry. To come up to me. Tell me that I just screwed up. Take my test and send me to the principal. Instead she just continued to look around. The one thing I remember very clear is the pressure I felt when she had looked at me. It felt a bit like when your ears are under pressure. Just that it is the whole body. I know it had been the first time because of this pressure. The feeling had vanished quickly. I didn’t get a good grade on this test but I passed. I didn’t think about it for a while.