A Chilly Threesome [FMF]

I groggily pulled into the dimly lit parking lot at 3 AM. Why the fuck did I volunteer to be here so god damn early? I couldn’t even remember the drive in, I was on auto-pilot as I maneuvered the empty streets. I slid from my sliver sedan as I cringed at the glowing green and yellow store logo smiling at me from the building. I slipped my green apron on over my green polo and jeans as I trudged up to the building. There he was unlocking the door, toned, and tall with that chiseled jaw. Oh yeah that’s why I volunteered. Curtis, the grocery manager had called me at midnight last night to ask if I could come in and help with a huge unexpected order that came in.

He turned and flashed me a fucking perfect smile, his playful green eyes twinkling through strands of his shaggy brown hair, “morning Lindsey, thanks for coming in.”

God I ‘m a mess I realized as I went to comb my fingers through my red hair realizing it was not only tangled but still in the messy bun I slept on the night before, “no problem,” I said awkwardly wresting my fingers from my hair.

Categorized as Erotica

New Year New Play (FF) (lesbian) (part 2)

This picks up with more of [Gabby and Laura’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/abqvpl/a_tail_of_exploration_fffirst_timepet_play/) antics. No need to read part one.


A steady knock reverberated on the door and Gabby opened it to Brock. He was dressed in a solid black suit with a shiny silk gold tie. He was tall, muscular with a perfect chiseled jaw and the whitest of teeth framed by his tanned skin. His eyes, clearly accentuated by bright blue contacts scanned her thin frame from head-to-toe. Taking in her long legs barely covered by the small black shorts she was wearing. The pink tank top hanging loosely over her small breasts, the cold air from outside making it notable that she wasn’t wearing a bra. His grin widened as he ran his hand through his dark greased back hair, “Gabby, good to see you.” His eyes never left his breasts.

Gabby bit her tongue as she mimicked his hand motion through her light brown hair that fell just above her shoulders and sarcastically said, “same to you, Rock.”

A Tail of Exploration (FF)(First time)(Pet play)

“Gabs you cannot stay in bed all damn weekend,” Laura pounded on her roommates door concerned and frustrated that she hadn’t left her room besides showering and working since her breakup two weeks ago.

“I don’t have anything else to do, go away.”

Laura flung open the door and threw a small brown bubble envelope on the bed, “here drunk Gabby bought sober Gabby something else.”

Gabby sat up combing her shoulder length brown hair out of her face and grabbing the envelope, “great I can’t wait to see what I’ve wasted my money on now. Probably another pair of panties I thought would win Ben back.”

Laura sat on the bed and hugged her roommate, “hey it’s ok, Ben is a douche bag and him breaking up with you for not being kinky enough is a shitty thing. So what if you’re not kinky? The best way to get kinky is to have someone teach you how to be kinky. He’s a fucking asshole, and I’m sure he missed out on a lot of fun. So what’s in the package I’m curious?”