The Wood Sprite [rape] [M/f] [fantasy] [size difference] [non-con to con] [standing] [from behind]

> A sweet little tale that I couldn’t get out of my head today. All characters are above the age of eighteen.

Frolicking in the pond and picking colourful wildflowers in the midmorning sun, the wood sprites did not see the hunter lurking in the trees. He thought they might have heard his heartbeat, which beat like a wardrum in his ears, but they did not – content to weave the bright snapdragons, larkspur, and bluebells into each other’s hair. Praying to the gods above for luck, he hurled himself into the glen.

The sprites scattered, girlish screams echoing through the woods. The wiser ones vanished into the branches of their trees, while the smallest one continued on foot, her golden hair streaming behind her like a beacon.

The hunter caught her before she escaped the glen, his strong arms wrapped around her waist, and she squealed as he lifted her off her feet. She wriggled and fought with an indignant fury, her delicate hands lashing out at him, cursing him in an ancient language, but it was useless. Inhumanly light in his arms, he held her tightly with one arm as he freed himself from his breeches.

The Monster Keeper: The Sea Beast [F/Tentacled Beast] [beast] [fantasy] [tentacles] [oviposition] [breeding] [impreg] [non-con] [eggs] [mindbreak]

>**A few notes**: This story takes place in the same setting as a previous story of mine, but is not necessary to read to understand this one. To avoid confusion, please also note that text in italics is meant to be memories/flashbacks. All characters are above the age of 18.

Dione awoke to the familiar hum of the sea-beast in her submerged ears, low and calming. Her dark hair floated around her head in a halo, and she blinked upwards into the morning light filtering through the barn’s rafters. Her legs stretched, the water rippling around her floating body.

As it had the past few months, the creature beneath her seemed to stir to consciousness as she did. Dione had her suspicions that it didn’t sleep, merely fell dormant, curled in the bottom of the tank. Even when still, a few of its multitude of limbs supported her body in the water – a rubbery, slick tentacle wrapped around her ankles, another curled around her hips possessively. She had long since stopped fighting the touch of the creature – regardless of how she struggled, it wouldn’t let her go.

She belonged to the creature. She was its mate.

Hear Your Voice [phone sex] [M/F] [masturbation] [Dom/sub] [butt plug] [mushy love]

Clara began off her Friday evening as she began off all Friday evenings: flirting online with complete strangers.

There was just something about it that thrilled her. From the first hesitant messages, discovering if there was a spark, the witty banter back and forth, slowly devolving into something more sensual, as her fingers flew across her phone’s small screen. She never went further than words, keeping a safe virtual distance.

That particular Friday evening, a user by the name of *just_gray89* responded to her post. He checked all of her boxes: friendly, good grammar, witty to a fault. Most importantly, he was dominant without being aggressive, seemingly knowing what she wanted before she did.

Clara had settled into her bed, her fingers idly rubbing her slit over her panties – she was already wet, absurdly so. She had just confessed that she was touching herself because of him, to which he had responded with a rather amusing series of emojis, followed by a typed response:

*I’d love to hear you as you touch yourself, sweetheart.*

Clara’s heart leapt into her throat. Quickly, she responded, *I told you, I don’t do video. :(*

Bred on the Farm pt.2 [M/F] [hucow] [breeding] [lactation]

Daisy walked down the dark street, her arms crossed over her belly. Even though she was only a few months along, the young woman thought she could already feel the stirring of life under her skin. She hated the changes that her body was going through, always aching and growing in new directions. The cool night felt refreshing on her flushed skin, away from the suffocating small apartment she shared with her boyfriend.

Daisy’s fingers strayed over the bruise on her upper arm. Ryan didn’t ever mean it, but he was often prone to fits of anger, and God help anyone or anything that got in his way.

It was nicer to be out here, with the faint flicker of stars above and the quiet back road that stretched on for miles. Daisy wasn’t even sure how long she had been walking, she just knew that it was nice to put one foot in front of the other.

She turned sharply, her fair hair catching the light as the beams of a car appeared behind her. Heart thudding, she faced ahead and kept walking, her hands tightening at her side.

Family Time [M/f] [step-dad/daughter]

Alison had never considered herself particularly close with her step-dad, but he was the only family she had left. When the quarantine came into effect and the dorms at her college closed suddenly, she found herself reluctantly once again living at home. Her step-dad, Brian, had been more than happy to have her safely at home, but for the most part they had continued their lives apart but in the same house – Brian working long hours in his office, Alison trying to keep up with her school work in her room. It was a comfortable, familial arrangement.

Which is to say it was quite a shock for both of them when he walked in on her masturbating in the shower Saturday morning.

Alison’s eyes were screwed shut as she rode the thick silicone dildo suctioned to the wall, her body gripping the toy tightly. Her small, pert breasts were peaked with arousal, bouncing as she moved as she braced herself on the glass shower wall. The sound of the water nearly hid her cry, but Brian watched in shock as her lips whimpered *Daddy* over and over, like a prayer. Brian stood there as if frozen in place, until Alison opened her eyes – and screamed.

The Farmer’s Wife’s Garden [MF] [breeding]

>This is a bit shorter than my usual stuff but I still wanted to share. :)

The air was sweet with the promise of spring as the farmer’s wife knelt in the garden outside their homestead. The morning was still young, but her hands were already covered in earth as she weeded the patch of soil. With the last frost of the winter soon approaching, the seeds that had been germinating in her kitchen window sill were soon to be planted.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, lettuce. The farmer’s wife’s garden was always fruitful, her pickings the favourite of the other wives at the annual church summer picnic. It was said that she had a magical green thumb, a true blessing for the wife of a farmer.

As the sun rose to its zenith, the farmer’s wife paused and smiled at the sight of her husband walking towards her from the barn. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his arms firm from hard labour and tanned from the sun. His forehead was already dotted with sweat, but he strode up to her without hesitation.

The Colony [M/F] [breeding] [deflowering]

The colony is the most beautiful in the spring, when the blueberries and wildflowers erupt across the green hills. The birds in the trees hum with their songs, and the evenings were spent around the bonfires, laughing and tipping back sweet wine.

It was a time of Life, when men and women disappear giggling into the high grass, and emerge weak-kneed and flush-skinned. More than not, a second man would haul her over his shoulder and vanish, ensuring that seed had taken root in her, as the Leader commanded. Soon her body would swell with fruit, and the Leader would be pleased.

I fingered the blue ribbon around my wrist, which marked me as not yet of age to bear fruit in service of the Leader. It wouldn’t be long though – my celebration day was tomorrow, when I turned twenty years of age. I had dreamed of my celebration day since I began to receive the blessings of womanhood – my breasts rounded and hips filled.


I looked up from my thoughts at my name.

Captain’s Bait – [MF] but also [tentacles] [non-con] [dark]

For as long as anyone can remember, a woman aboard a ship has been bad luck.

That is, until the *Marigold* washed up on the shore of a colony town a few months back. The flesh of its sailors peeled off, limbs strewn about like children’s toys, and a message written on the white sail in dried, brown blood.

*I desire a girl.*

Further messages arrived, written in viscera and gore, on the docks of port towns. It was evident to all. Ships that departed without one of the fairer sex aboard did not return.

Sailors mutinied. Brothels were raided, screaming whores dragged into the holds of ships. Fathers locked their daughters in their rooms – or else decided they were better off with a pocketful of coin and one less mouth to feed.

Soon, women realized they could secure free passage across the Endless Ocean, with merely a gamble.

The Captain’s Bait, the position became to be known as. Dangled, metaphorically – and sometimes, it was rumoured, literally – over the monstrous jaw of the unknown creature of the sea.

Bred on the Farm [Mf]/[Mfm] [hucow] [breeding] [lactation]

**Part 1**

Annie squirmed in her seat as she read and reread the contract.

It seemed simple enough. Eighteen months of honest labour at Forrest Nursery and Farms, room and board included, in exchange for more money than she could have possibly imagined. Even just seeing the figure on the paper made her mouth dry. She could pay off her college debts, even set some aside for the future.

To distract herself from the decision, Annie raised the mug of coffee to her lips, taking a generous gulp. It was warm, and oddly sweet, and settled thickly in her stomach. Annie glanced up at the man standing in front of her.

Wade Forrest, owner and proprietor of Forrest Nursery and Farms, met her wary gaze with a warm smile. The farmer dressed exactly how Annie had always imagined a farmer would: a red plaid shirt that fit tightly over his strong, tanned body, worn denim jeans and muddied rubber boots. He was handsome in a fatherly sort of way, salt and pepper hair at his temples and the day’s scruff written across his strong jaw.

Now, he leaned against his desk, waiting for her to make a decision.

The Fertility God’s Temple [MF] [size] [breeding]

My fingertips brushed over the stone wall. The sun shone brightly over the expansive complex of dusty ruins, and so I ducked into the shade of a small building, and was reaching for my water bottle when I glimpsed the carving on the wall.

A nude figure, strong and commanding. Crowning his head were thick ram’s horns, his gaze piercing as he stared outward from the stone. In between his legs, he was erect – a generous and impressive size.

I looked down at my guidebook, bemused. It only took a moment to locate the description of the small ruined site that I had wandered into.

*The god, whose name has been lost to time, is believed to have been a fertility idol, often depicted with a sizable phallus and multiple pregnant female companions. The carved reliefs along the antechamber walls are believed by researchers to depict the acolytes worshiping the deity.*

I moved further inward, curious now, until I saw the second scene.

The god figure was nearly twice the height of the little carved women, his arms outstretched, almost kindly, to those kneeling at his feet. Many of them turned their heads downwards, hands upraised in submission. One, however, gazed upwards into his eyes.