Visiting Arkansas, part 2 [MF][bdsm][Mdom][Fsub][Str8]

Disclaimer : This is not -yet- a true story. Let's call it anticipation rather than pure fiction though. Oh, and, yes, I take my time before getting to the fun parts Part 1 is there

I soon found her, her curvy figure hugging the yellow sundress I asked her to wear for her meeting. She bought this dress a few months ago as a treat for me, knowing the air of innocence the dress gave would please me. My heart bumped wildly in my chest as I walked towards her, careful to keep my composure, hiding as much as I could from my exhaustion and tension. As she finally saw me and smiled timidly, I increased my pace, dropping my small suitcase as I reached her, feeling the urge to kiss her.

Yes, kiss her. For all the kinky stuff I made her do, all the places I wanted to touch her, what I really wanted in these first few instants was to feel her lips against mine, see her eyes close as we embraced each other. And boy, was this a long, intense, wonderful kiss. I have a hard time remembering that airport, or what happened around us. Anyone could have grabbed my suitcase and left with it without me noticing anything.

Visiting Arkansas, part 1 [MF][bdsm][Mdom][Fsub][Str8]

Disclaimer : Lots of build-up (actually, this first part is only build-up), and this is not -yet- a true story. Let's call it anticipation rather than pure fiction though

It all started in the most mundane way. I was bored at work, browsing through dpp, and saw a prompt that attracted me – the story of a bratty submissive disobeying her online Sir, coming back from work to find him waiting angrily for her on the couch. I couldn’t resist such a prompt and drafted quite a long answer to her.

I guess my answer fit her expectations, and the roleplaying hit the ground running – the frontiers between roleplaying her Sir and having her actually do assignments and punishments quickly blurred. Without either of us really expecting it, separated by an ocean, I became her Sir, she became my Whore. An amazing one. Living on the other side of the world.