The Sweet Response [MF] [oral]

She rubs sleep from her eyes. What was that noise? Looks around. Fuzzy shapes coming into focus. Scans. Stops. Him. Finally. His days are long, but he always finds her when he gets home. Always has time for her. In a flash, an instant, a moment he’s there. With her. Wrapped around her. Entwined in her person, ensnared in her soul. She feels strong arms encircle her. Pull her in. Closer. She’s awake now. The last grains of sleep sand gone from her eyes. He has that effect on her. She can’t help it. Not when he…does that. Kisses rain down, passionate hailstones in a lustful blizzard. Her lips. Her cheeks. The tip of her nose. The nape of her neck.

He pulls back. Stops. She hears anticipation in his shallow breaths right by her ear. He speaks. Softly. Commandingly. His lips dance against her ear around every word. Are. You. Ready.