The Stockroom

The Stockroom   
It took me by surprise, throwing me back against the steel frame of the
stockroom shelves. The static and music of the store intercom died out by the sounds of my own heart beating wildly. She pushed her soft lips hard against mine, breaking away while sucking on my bottom lip. I’ll admit, I’ve pictured this in my mind so many times wasn’t sure if this was some vivid daydream.

And so I stood, watching as her eyes sparkled and a smirk appeared on her face. She turned around; looking through the boxing seemingly for a purpose I was oblivious to. It took me a second to realize we weren’t alone. I quickly shuffled through the boxes next to her, and so, in less than a minute we were, once again, alone.

She backed into me; our bodies pressed together letting her feel what was tenting my pants. My hands dropped to her waist, pulling our bodies closer together, as I began kissing along the smoothness of her neck. Her hands guided mine slowly up her belly and to the mounds of her breasts. She squeezed my hands, and I squeezed in return. I could feel her hardening nipples through the cloth of both her work shirt, and the thicker fabric of her bra. If this was a dream…I didn’t want to wake up.

Categorized as sexystories

Defenseless Against the Dark Arts Professor.

“You’re out after curfew, Mrs. Granger.” Professor Snape stood in the hallway appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Hermione stiffened trying not to show just how much he startled her.

“Yes, I…”

“There are no excuses, Mrs. Granger. There are…” Severus Snape’s eyes bore into her with an intense glare. “…dangers after dark. The rules haven’t changed, even for you, Mrs. Granger.”

“Well I assure you, Professor, that I can take care of myself.” Her chin held high in pride. She already graduated at the top of her class and had confidence that she could handle whatever came her way.

“As you wish, Mrs. Granger. If you’d be so kind as to follow me.” Snape turned on his heel and strode back down the hallway. His footsteps echoed along the stone corridor as he hadn’t even bothered to check if she would follow. Of course she would. Even now, she couldn’t disobey a teacher. Once a student…always a student.

“Professor Snape, I really must be going. I have to…to.” Professor Snapes stride didn’t falter and she nearly jogged to keep up with him. She could tell arguing would be useless.