My steamy journey into the dark side.

This is my first delve into erotic writing and also based on a semi-true story from college. Taken awhile to bring myself to write it…but here we go. Love to know your thoughts :)

There was something about this black track and field athlete’s body that made me curious…ignited…lustful even. Maybe it was his long, powerful legs, or the sculpted, lean muscle that pulled along his whole frame and ever so subtly flexed and rippled with each movement he made. Graceful, yet unpredictably threatening. His dark, smooth skin stretched taut, holding all that power together in one silky, firm package — the natural shadowiness of it accentuating each hill and valley between the muscles, as light hit each surface. His body reminded me of dark chocolate; How it melts so creamily on the tongue’s surface, but gives a little bite to the taste buds. Smooth, but not too gentle. The promise of a good time to come.

Categorized as Erotica