An experience with a girl and her boyfriend (FFM)

When I was 17 my parents moved to a new town. Like most teenagers I was worried about fitting in and making friends. I was so grateful when Louise contacted me on Facebook. She was friends with another friend of mine from my old town and he told her that I’d be moving up and she should look after me.

She had all the same likes and interests as me which made things even better, we just clicked. She asked me to go for lunch with her on the first day we moved and I excitedly accepted her invitation, desperate to make friends.

When we met up outside the restaurant and I was really nervous, I think I’m generally awkward in social situations but she smiled and gave me a big hug and everything felt comfortable after that. I was surprised by how beautiful she was in real life. Pictures on the Internet can always tell a lie but hers spoke the truth. She was the perfect hourglass with great big tits and round ass, she had short brown hair and lovely full lips.

A Story About A Friend

The life of a teenager is simple: Be cool, Get Drunk, Fuck. So when my mum asked me if I wanted to come to Scotland and paint the new house my immediate answer was: ” I’ve got so much coursework to do!!”.
While that was not a lie the main reason I didn’t want to go was because it was the Easter holidays and I knew that I’d much rather throw a house party.
I grew up in a strict household so even contemplating the idea of throwing a house party made me nervous. My dad was the kind of man to lock me in the cellar for a week if I refused to eat my vegetables. ( okay maybe that’s a little extreme … But you get the idea).

So the day before they left I made plans with my best friend Jodie about who to invite as I’d never organised anything like this before. She told me to play it cool and eventually word would get out and people would just invite themselves. So I took her advice. We lived in a very communal area so I didn’t want a hoard of people there but just enough to enjoy myself.

My first sexual experience (F)

At the age of 16 I was at boarding school. My parents moved around a lot because my dad was a soldier so I was forced to lug my existence to new schools constantly. I’d settled into my GCSEs at the age of 16 so they decided to put me into boarding school rather than take me with them across the world.

Like most teenagers I was shy and awkward and very hormonal. The furthest I’d ever been with a boy was letting jordan play with my tits. I was a normal self conscious teen but had always been proud of my big perky boobs.

Each day I would walk from the boarding accommodation to school with my friend Jordan . Our relationship was mainly teasing and joking but we enjoyed each others company anyway. He would steal my things, pull my hair and joke that I was a virgin.

Each evening we had a set routine, we would watch tv in the common room, then have dinner, then do prep (homework) for an hour then have time to ourselves.