Hi. I’m Fict. I know some of my readers are eagerly anticipating the next chapters in [Online Chastity](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChastityStories/comments/s6qnjf/online_chastity_part_1/) and [The Suit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChastityStories/comments/smg1x5/the_suit_by_fict_chapter_1/). I promise you; they are coming. This was just an idea that popped into my head, and I had to get it down on “paper.” I hope that it whets your appetite and leaves you craving more.
A man finds a mirror in the attic of his new house that reflects a gender swapped version of whomever stands before it.
THE MIRROR – Chapter 01
Paul and Stacy had just moved into their new house. Well, it wasn’t new at all. It was a centennial home. It needed a lot of work, but Stacy had fallen in love with the architecture and Paul couldn’t’ say no.
They had been moving in all weekend and Paul was taking the extra boxes up to the attic. That’s when he spotted the tarp. The attic was full when they had originally seen the house, so the previous owners must have forgotten to take something. Their loss, Paul thought. Might be an antique!