My dentist turns me seriously on

This story is very mild and the sexiness happens mostly in the head and maybe just mine? Anyway, so in French we have plural and singular “you”, but the plural one is also used for one person in a formal context. That time I didn’t know which to choose so I (31M) picked the formal one since she’s not a friend, she’s a dentist and I want to be polite. But noticed she was using the closer “you” so I asked her if I could switch “you”. A bit laughingly, she told me there was absolutely no problem and that we even had the same age (looking at papers about my case). The ambiance was very comfortable, I joked a bit about how I was clumsy for using the former “you” and it turned from a little awkward to the very opposite. During the session, she talked a few times about how tall I was and I was exceeding the chair from both ends. ( I’m 6’5). When she walked near the office door, I needed to bring my feet to make room for her. Equivalent happened with my head and the opposite side of the chair. When working in my mouth, her breasts where often touching my head and I remember her saying how big guys like me were rare. Again, nothing was really going on, but it still sounded sexy in my head. That extremely pretty and sexy girl was making me feel too big for everything, but made it seem like a very positive thing.