Diaper girls Part one

This is a world where all girls are slaves of various ranks to boys for their entire lives. Collage is a important time where girls earn their slut certification and boys get normal education to either work or go to a higher university. The girls wear diapers and if they keep them clean it helps their rank and grades in school making them dirty however… invited punishment from their masters

All characters are collage students and over 18 etc etc.

Emma walked down the halls of her collage carefully trying to not rub her pussy too much. Her diaper was clean so far today and master was going to reward the harem if they all made it through with no incidents. She looked over and saw her friend Jessie in her harem looking tired her tits red and sucked on a punishment Emma had helped deliver. It was because of Ilsa from Jessie’s harem, she had peed in English so her master, a strong strict master named tony had put his entire harem in the milking depot. Emma licked her lips remembering sucking down the milk for lunch earlier while Jessie and her harem moaned and were sucked dry. It was prop by why Emma had seen Ilsa being fucked by a strap on earlier. Emma started to get wet thinking about it and stopped if she wet herself she would be downgraded and she didn’t want that.

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