Legend of the Mystic Dildo and the Horny Witch of Woody Hallow [FF]

It was the eve before Halloween and in my haste to buy candy, pick out a costume and plan a party, I completely forgot to get some decorations! “I know!” I said to myself, I’ll go down into the woods and pick up some leaves and old twigs; it’ll make for a festive fall collage. In the words, I forage for creepy-looking twigs, orange leaves and anything I can use in my collage. Suddenly… I see a glistening object peaking out of the leaves. I slowly grab it and pull it out. “Holy shit” I thought… “this is a fucking dildo. It’s wooden, but looks brand new”. I suddenly get the eerie feeling that someone is watching me; I look around, but no one is there. It was getting dark, so I decided to head home.

That evening at my Halloween party, my friends complimented me on my creative fall collage. “That’s so cool” one of them remarked, “Where did you get those leaves? They look so bright and orange” “Oh, I went into the woods right behind my house. You guys wouldn’t believe what I found while I was out there”

“What did you find?”

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The Party [FF]

As long as I can remember, I’ve suffered from social anxiety. Gatherings, large crowds and especially parties were things I’ve vehemently avoided. Of course when you have to cross that barrier to get what you want, all bets are off.

It was the end of Fall semester and I’ve developed a crush on a fellow classmate. She was in a sorority and I wasn’t. I knew that sororities were very social and I, myself wouldn’t have been caught dead “paying” to have friends. I generally looked down on sorority girls, but this one was different. She was 22 but looked 25 and spoke with a resounding confidence that made everyone in the room stop and pay attention. She was the kind of girl that didn’t let anyone stop her from getting what she want.

We first met in a liberal studies class. She was very outspoken about women’s rights and the plight of the working female. For someone who was so vocal in her views, she retained a high degree of femininity. Always wearing high heels, tight dresses and blood red lipstick. I figured she loved to tease the boys and watch them squirm when they realized they couldn’t have her. But that was just it. No one could have her. She was so intimidating neither man nor girl had the courage to ask her out.

Lesbian Lust – An Epic Poem [FF] [anal] [squirting]

I was born as a Christian, a proper young lady
Always first one at church, never dealt with the shady

My heart was pure and my head was on right
I worshiped God humbly, didn’t want his fierce smite

One day in my Parish, I was reading the good book
When out comes an angel that had me quite shook
Her hair was golden and she seemed a fair lass
I was stunned in the moment, just starred at her ass

I know I’m a female
But under this veil
A secret was hidden
That longed the forbidden

She moved like a river, filled with pure grace
I pictured her near me, wearing nothing but lace

My pussy tingled
My nipples got hard
I felt so embarrassed
And emotionally scarred

She is a woman and so am I
I shouldn’t be feeling this, I’d just rather die
But her body was gorgeous; it’s a sin not to stare
I wanted so badly to smell her soft hair

The Waitress [FF]

As a young girl, my biggest problem was asserting myself. Having gone through a series of abusive relationships, I came out on the other side stronger and more confident than ever. But I was totally through with men. Douche-bags; all of them. I made a promise to myself never to let another man take anything from me again. Whether its money or power, I was willing to fight to have what’s mine. Soon, that commitment would be put to the test.

It was a Friday afternoon and I went to visit my local coffee shop. I sat down as always in my favorite spot to sip coffee and read the latest novel by Dan Brown. Suddenly, I notice a petite little figure standing over me.

“Hey, I’m Becca. I’ll be your waitress for today. Just let me know if you need any more coffee”

“Totally, a refill would be great. Are you new? I haven’t seen you before”

“Yeah, I just started! Well let me get that coffee for you”

The Dildo – An epic erotic poem. [F]

It was a hot summer evening,
Stuck alone in my house.
I was savagely horny
‘Bout to rip off my blouse

Wanting a man, to come take my young soul
To lust for and relish each one of my holes.

I ached with excitement
I ached with desire
My pussy was gushing
My clit was on fire!

I started to daydream and imagine my savior,
A man who could tame me; correct my behavior.

I lowered my hand down and started to feel
It felt so amazing, I wanted to squeel.

Faster and faster I rubbed my own clit
Imagined a man whose dick wouldn’t quit.

The feelings got bigger
The feelings got tense
I panted with vigor
As I got lost in a trance

But something was missing,
Something’s not right
I needed a penis
To help in my plight

I didn’t want kissing and I’m not one to suck
I just want a big dick; I want to get fucked!

So I turned to my night stand
And what do I see?
A big fucking dildo
Just staring at me

Categorized as Erotica

The Patient [MF]

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to help people. I was soft and caring by nature, so my natural instinct was to be a nurturer. And so I perused a career in psychiatry. Having just finished my graduate school, I had began work as a licensed psychotherapist. Talking to people and digging deep down to understand their motives fascinated me. I also wanted to help them work through whatever issues they were having. Most of my patients had underlying childhood traumas. After two or three sessions, I had usually made a breakthrough and found what was the root cause of their issue. An abusive mother, an overbearing father, everyone had a trigger. And thus with time, everyone became a cookie cutter patient. Each one same as the next… that is, except one.

They never told me his name. He was brought in for a pre-trial psych evaluation to determine his mental state. The only thing I had on him was his prisoner#. I asked him, “What’s your name?” He simply smiled at me and said with a cheeky attitude, “Just call me Mr. X”.

“Okay Mr. X, do you know why you’re here?”

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The Graduate [MFF]

It was May and high-school graduation was upon us. Having turned 18 the previous month, I was excited to finally be an adult and out of school. College wasn’t for me; I’ve had enough studying and wanted to get out to see the world! Perhaps a stint in the Peace Corp would satisfy my wanderlust. Yet, not everyone approved of my yearning to go out on my own. My boyfriend, James, wanted me stay in our hometown and support him while he began college. Despite caring for him deeply, I felt that he was a bit delusional in thinking I’d stick with him after high school. He had plans for marriage, I had plans to find myself.

In the week leading up to graduation, James wouldn’t stop talking about HIS plans for OUR future. I was sickened by it. The last straw came when he showed me the kind of house he wanted to buy with me. I couldn’t take it anymore. On graduation day, I broke up with him. He was devastated. I felt bad momentarily, but when I saw him cry, I lost all respect for him. In the weeks that followed, he wouldn’t stop messaging me and leaving voice messages. It was getting out of hand.

The Little Stripper

My best friend Jason and I are very open with each other. He knows what I’m into and vice versa. That’s why we’re so comfortable going out on adventures together. One thing we both like to do is go to strip clubs. He loves to ogle the girls and I occasionally like to take them home and fuck them. Well this one time, on a Friday evening we decided to head to our local strip-joint after drinks. As always, Jason eagerly gets a seat on “perv alley” right by the stage. Ready with his singles, he begins to entice the stripper on stage to come towards him, Me… I like to take a different approach. I prefer to sit in the lounge chairs and let the girls come to me.

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Forbidden Fruit [FF]

In a life of mundane rituals, even the smallest of events can brighten up your day. For me, that event was our weekly Church service. Having been married off at 18, I guess you could have considered me a “passive” girl. Scared to assert myself, I would prefer to go with the flow rather than rock the boat. And so I lived a life of quiet desperation. My only solace in life was the music and community I experienced at church every week. My husband was nice, but I didn’t have much feelings towards him. Every Wednesday we’d go through our typical sexual routine which lasted about 5 minutes. He’d insert his wee-wee into my lady parts, jiggle his willy and go to sleep soon after. “Is this what life was about?” I wondered as I softly cried myself to sleep. I was depressed and desperately figuring out a way to end it all. “Perhaps this is a test from God” I thought… patience will bring eternal happiness? As things got worse and worse, I’d pray harder and harder. Something… anything that would make me feel like life is worth living. Things were going downhill fast when out of nowhere, God… or perhaps the devil… gave me my most difficult test yet.

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The Photographer. [MF]

I was 18, yet way too small for my size. Most people figured I was still 16 which annoyed the hell out of me. So when an opportunity to model for a local lingerie brand came, I felt it could finally be a way to show everyone my maturity. I’ve seen plenty of shows about models and I loved how they carried themselves. Full of confidence and poise. I knew I could be like that.

My first few shoots for the lingerie brand were quite uneventful. Done mostly by junior female photographers; the company’s policy was to have less experienced models work with less experienced photographers. It made sense and I felt comfortable being half-naked around women anyway. We got along well and things were humming along. Of course as time went on, I started to wonder… who are the REALLY good photographers? What makes them so special? I asked one of the crew members on the photography set about it and they said,

“Oh… well the best photographer in the company is Giorgio Giovanni and he only works with the top models.”

“What makes him so special?” I asked.