(FM) My White husband

A good marriage has lots of respect and clear boundaries with your partner. Ofc that’s something me and my husband Mark worked out quiet well. We love and care for each other and have been together for 5 years now.

It’s bad it’s ups and downs but still despite it all we’ve held strong. Lots of my family and friends too wonder/ask about how we always seem so happy all the time. Almost stress free despite anything.

We get along so well, sadly an uncommon thing for lots of other marriages. But I also think these surprises come a little bit from who we are racially.

Me being Native American and him being Caucasian. Me being on the darker side of skin tone and him being near pink. There was a lot of cultural differences but he’s always been very open to learning and my family, stopped the hazing after some time.
Growing to love him and such.

That’s very nice and all, But truthfully, that’s only half of why our marriage is so stable and we’re still enamored with one another.

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