Margaret Lovatt Inspiration Piece (Part 1 of 2)

If you don’t know who this is, I highly recommend looking her up ;) (also worth noting this contains bestality, so if this isn’t your kink, I recommend moving on. Or give it a shot, who knows. Maybe you’ll like it anyway). To be clear, this is not a fan-fiction of her specifically, but the inspiration is clear. Look for Part 2 coming soon, where things will heat up a bit more. For now, enjoy Part 1:

The directive was to teach them English. It’d been done before, with other animals. Chimpanzees, gorillas, elephants; they could understand the rudimentary concepts. Food, water, sit, stand, come, etc. Even some crocodiles learned to respond to certain commands, or at the very least, their own name. This, however, was a different beast.

Their brains are larger, and the cerebral cortex is proportionately larger still. Perhaps this meant the way they integrated information would breed layers of complexity previously unfathomable to us. To be sure, however, the prefrontal lobe is smaller, so perhaps our task was unrealistic. Still, to NASA the idea was worth exploring, and given the animals’ behavioral complexity and propensity for fun and play, we thought it worthwhile to run the experiment.

Categorized as Erotica

Rule Clarification

Hey people, new here.

Just wondering what the rules are for this subreddit. I can’t seem to find them, and I’m wondering whether anything goes, or if certain posts are banned e.g. bestiality, incest, etc.

Let me know, and thanks in advance!