Filling the dumpster – The Cum Diaries – (M/f, Forced)

[THE CUM DIARY] – June 5th,2019

It’s been a long time since I last posted here. A lot has happened and I had to take some precautions, to make sure I don’t get caught. I was trying for the last few months to just be good, and act my age, and not try to fuck everything that moves, but I have failed, and recently given in to temptation again. After my adventures in the hotel, with a group from Reddit, some rumors started going around my son’s school and got back to my kids, and then my husband. Of course I denied it, said how insane and silly it was. It all but blew over, just one of those things that parents of teens deal with. For weeks after that I was good. I took down everything. I nearly closed this account. Last week however, well, I guess it just happened. My husband had been cleaning out the garage and the shed of old tools and toys and odds and ends from the last nearly 2 decades. He bought one of those bag dumpster things, that they will come pick up for $200 when its full. I was supposed to call on Monday, and now it was Wednesthey and I had still forgotten, but had told my husband I had called and they were supposed to come pick up that week. As luck would have it, Wednesthey is garbage day, and though I hadn’t been thinking about it, I suddenly remembered when I heard the sound of the garbage truck coming down the street, and started to panic. And then the doorbell rang!

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24hrs of Cum – The Prequel – The Legend of Bobbie the Beast [fM/fmm/fmmmmmmmmmm][con/non-con]

I have gotten a lot of questions over the last couple weeks of posting my diary online. The single most repeated question by far is “when did you start cheating on your husband”, followed closely by “when did you first realize you wanted to be a ‘cum dumpster’ and be used my random men”. I have been thinking about that a lot recently. I recently answered the first question, the answer to the second is a little bit more involved. Before I go further, I want to take a moment to assure you that what I am about to relay is the whole truth, and nothing but: save a few details to protect the more innocent. Make no mistake however, those who know this story will recognize me immediately, and to them I say “Fuck You” I still don’t care.

The 24hrs of Cum : Prelude – The Uber Driver [Mf][Cheating-Wife]

I have gotten a lot of questions over the last couple weeks with regard to my diary entries that I have been posting here on Reddit. The single most repeated question by far is “when did you start cheating on your husband”, followed closely by “when did you first realize you wanted to be a ‘cum dumpster’ and be used my random men”. I have been thinking about that a lot recently. The answer to the first question is reasonably straightforward and I will tackle it first. The answer to the second is a little bit more involved, and I will save for a follow up post.

The 24hrs of Cum / Part 1 – Random Redditors [Fmmmmm][Wife-slut][Cum-Dump][Toilet-Whore]

Now that I have started down this road, I am not sure I know how to stop: I am not sure I want to. I feel things spinning further and further out of control. I am closer than ever to getting caught, and yet the urge to keep going is insatiable. I spent all of Sunday morning trying to convince my husband that nothing is wrong. I know he went through my phone, which I am careful to keep clean; I am certain he went through my laptop too, but I know he won’t find anything there. By the time lunch rolled around, I had him calmed down and after a sandwich and a quick and rather perfunctory blow-job in our bathroom, he headed out to take the kids to practice, as little league was getting underway and he likes to fancy himself an assistant coach, even if nobody appoints him. They would be gone most of the afternoon.

I couldn’t help myself [Cheating-Wife][Fm] &[fMMMMMMM?????]

OMG! I am sweating a little writing this. It’s early on Sunday morning, and hubby and kids are still asleep. Last night my husband and the kids went out for bowling and a movie, leaving me home alone: I told them I wasn’t feeling well, but truth is I just wanted some ‘me’ time. I have been trying to get my shit together and figure out what is going on with me. In the last week I have literally fucked at least 8 random men, and all I want is to fuck more. It is a deep desire that I can’t shake, and I am no longer willing to keep tamped down. I almost want my hubs to find out, just so I don’t have to hide this from him, but I am certain he would kill me if he caught on: and yesterday he almost did.

My heater needed service

So yesterday morning, I go to hop in the shower and was shocked to find the water ice cold. Yelping a little, I called my husband to check the hot water heater, and after nearly half an hour of listening to him bang around the basement, he comes back up with an angry look on his face and says I will need to call the plumber. I grumpily agree and head down to get breakfast going and the kids out the door. After getting the kids up and feed and listening to everyone complaining about ice cold showers, I put them on the bus and took a few minutes to compose myself before digging through my phone to find the number of our plumber. Unfortunately, after calling twice, I was informed that he was recently retired, but had sold his business to another man, and would I mind calling him instead. Having little choice and not know who else to call, I gave it a whirl.
The man that answered sounded a bit gruff, but as he talked his voice softened a bit. I explained the problem, that the heater seemed to be out, and asked would it be possible to get an emergency appointment today? He hemmed and hawed a little but finally said he could stop by around 11, and would I be home. I told him absolutely, I will be home all morning waiting for him. By then it was after 9am, and I decided to try to wash up best I could in the sink in my bathroom, threw on a pair of old sweats that have been missing the drawstring forever, and nearly fall off, but are too comfortable to toss and an old worn out college tee-shirt of my hubs: my usual house cleaning attire before getting dressed for the day. With all the goings on this week, the place was a mess, and I got about getting the house cleaned. I must’ve lost track of time a little, because next thing the door bell is ringing, and outside is a short fat man, with a scruffy beard and a big belly, standing behind him is a tall kid, can’t be much more than 18, looking slightly awkward, with a face full of acne and a patchy peach fuzz beard. I must have been in a slight daze, because I gave them a “Yes???” before realizing it must be the plumber and then apologizing and saying out yes of course, and invited them both in.
They were both a little grubby, obviously had been working already this morning, but I noticed that their hands were both surprisingly clean, which the same could not be said for the dark blue coveralls they were both wearing. As I reached out to introduce myself and welcome them in, the short man introduced himself as Bill, and then introduced me to the young boy, whose name he said was Sean. I smiled politely, shook both hands and showed them in. Once in the kitchen, I turned again to face them, and I started explaining to them about the hot water, and while doing so couldn’t help but notice that they both seemed a bit fixated on my chest.
Feeling a bit self-conscious I realized that I had completely forgotten to change into something more appropriate and that my nipples were erect and visibly poking through the old tee-shirt, which is already slightly see through. Trying not to let on, but feeling a little naughty, I continue explaining about how nobody got to shower, while pulling my shoulder blades together slightly and arching my back a little and gently swaying back and forth. They both are nodding along, but clearly enjoying the little show, and I smile politely, and offer them some coffee before they get started. The politely decline, but I say I am making myself some and if they change their mind to just let me know. And after putting the kettle on, I show them into the basement where the heater is.
I should explain, that we have a partially finished basement, that is split into two halves, and in between the finished and unfinished portion is the closet that contains the hot water. The first half is a small office, with a play room and bar area. Further back in the unfinished portion my husband has his work out equipment and a tool bench, and it is a place we play in quite often, when he is in a mood to play. As we get to the bottom of the stairs and start walking toward the heater closet, I realize that hubs may not have cleaned up from a few nights ago when he had tied me to his weight bench, and sure enough, there is still my favorite pink rope wrapped round the bench. Trying to pretend like I don’t see it, I turn back toward the plumbers and open the closet to show them where the heater is. I am trying to be cool and at the same time attempt to block the view, and somehow end up holding the door up high so my arm and the door sorta block the view, but I can see already that the Bill, the older one, has seen what’s behind me, and seems to have a devilish grin on his face. I smile at him politely, trying like hell to keep my cool, and it’s at that point that I realize that my nipples are fully erect and that my sweats are nearly falling off, and that the position I am in has lifted my shirt and exposed my little belly and the sweats are riding low enough that my hairy bush is more than peeking out a little, giving them both a nice view.
I quickly drop my arm, and say, “so here is the heater” and go to excuse myself, and without another word head back up to the kitchen. I am nervous, and shaky, and also soaking wet between my legs. I won’t go into too much detail, but you can read in an earlier post about my St. Patrick’s Day adventure. Suffice it to say I was feeling insatiably horny. For the last few years it has been a growing desire, one that has gotten harder and harder to control. I love my husband. I love our life. But I just can’t help myself. I am starting to think there is something seriously wrong with me. But recently I just want to be used by total strangers… and this past weekend I gave into that urge in a big way and it was without doubt the best night of my adult life. In my head I am calling myself a dirty slut, and trying to coax myself to behave, but there is an ache in my crotch that just won’t quit. I have a burning desire to be fucked hard. My mind is wandering off as I stand staring out the kitchen window waiting for the water to boil and make coffee. I can hear the two men banging around downstairs, and I hear them laughing and going back and forth about something I can’t quite make out.
After a minute, I see Bill’s big head emerge from the basement and his short squat body comes towards me. I take a moment to look him up and down, he looks like a strange clown with the white booties on his shoes then his greasy coveralls, and his big buddha belly leading him around. He is kinda cute in a rolly polly jolly fat man kinda way, and when he smiles it really does light up his face. He comes through into the kitchen, and smiling, and rather intentionally this time bring my shoulder blades together and arch my back slightly to make sure he gets a good look, and he stammers out something about the coil or some such having gone bad, and needing to replace it, and that it will take an hour or so. I say okay, and ask how much, and he gives me a fairly steep price, but I have zero idea what it should cost anyway, and just nod and say well we need hot water, so… He explains he needs to get some parts from the truck and will be back, and then waddles off toward the front door.
After a few minutes he comes back in carrying a box and heads into the basement, and I go back to my wandering thoughts. The whole time aware that the ache in my pussy is being a desperate urge and almost unconsciously my hand start to slide into my sweats, and I suddenly find myself squeezing my clit hard between my thumb and forefinger, making it hurt a little. I give it one good hard final squeeze and realize that my sweats are literally soaking wet and clung to my thighs. I am hot and horny, and I can hear the two men down starts, and I feel like I can control myself any more.
I stop thinking and just start walking towards the basement, and down the stairs. As I round the corner I can see Bill is on his back, big belly in the air, with his hands buried in my heater, and the kid Sean is on his knees half watching and once in a while reaching to hand Bill a tool. I pause a little and just watch the two men working and take a deep breath and walk towards them, and as I do I hitch my thumbs into the already loose waist band of my sweats and then stop a few feet away, let the sweats drop to my feet in a single smooth motion, and say something like “How’s it look?”
Sean, the pimple faced kid turns round first and his jaw just drops to the floor, his eye pop out of his head and are set staring right at my thick muff, and the glistening river running down my thighs. Seconds later, Bill pops his head up about to answer, and then also freeze for a moment, mouth agape. I smiley coyly at them, and like nothing is happening say “How’s my heater?” And taking a half step, I kick my sweats aside and walk straight towards Sean, who is still on his knees and frozen in place, and I grab him by the back of his head force it towards my aching pussy. “See something you like?” and he suddenly comes to life, and reaches on of his big hands, which I now see are covered in see through gloves, up towards me, grabbing my ample ass with his big paws as I grind my pussy on his fuzzy face. He pulls the gloves off and squeezing my ass starts to lick and suck and slurp at my pussy, which is not just a constant stream of fluid and it is making his face all wet and glistening.
Bill now stands up, and I can see that his is packing a definite erection, which pokes out from under his belly, making a tent in his coveralls. My eyes are fixed on his package. And with a finger I coyly motion for him to come towards me, and as the kid continues to eagerly lick my puss, I let go of his head, and pull my shirt off and the reach out towards the fat man and start to unzip his coverall as he reaches out to grab my nipple and pinch it hard between his stubby fingers. I reach the bottom of the zip and immediate reach to grab ahold of the a nice thick cock, not huge, but definitely swollen and impossible to get my hand all the way around. Gripping it in his underwear a little I can feel it is hard and throbbing. I step back and tell the kid to stand up and unzip. And while he does I help Fat Bill out of his coverall and pull down his boxers and am nearly smacked in the face by his sizable dong. It not the biggest I have encountered recently, but its definitely huge. Its angry purple helmet is fully engorged and I begin kissing and then licking it before opening wide to swallow it down my throat.
From the corner of my eye I see that Sean is now naked, and from his lanky frame is dangling a long but thin penis with a fat head but not much shaft. I reach a hand out towards him, and while jerking Bill off, turn to him and begin gagging myself on his cock till it is fully erect in my throat. Not wanting to leave Mr Fat cock alone, I turn back and try to gag on his cock as well. I manage to get him almost half way down, and then go back to the kid. As I suck him he grabs my head, shoving it down and starts to hump my mouth like a dog in heat. I start to gag and choke a little, and am almost ready to panic when he blows his load half in my mouth before pulling out and cumming on my face and hair. I lap up as much of his cum as I can with my tongue and then turn back to Bill. Standing I turn around and lean forward, grabbing the back of a short bookshelf and stick my ass out and tell him to fuck me. He stars to say something about getting an condom, and I tell him no, I want him to fuck me raw. He gets big grin and without hesitation steps up, grabs my ass with both hands, roughly spread my fat cheeks apart and rams his thick mushroom head into.
I grunted again. A noise I am not used to making. And as his fat cock pushed inside, opening me up and found myself pushing back hard into him, wanting to take it all as deep as I could. Unfortunately he was having trouble getting his stroke right. I am over 5’10 and he couldn’t have been more than 5’4 and was having to try to fuck at an upward angle. So I backed off the shelf, and got down on the floor, put my elbows on the ground, and angled my asshole high up towards the sky, and said “here baby, come and give it to me hard”

My St. Patrick’s Day Adventure

I am still shaking when I think about it… its been almost a week and part of me still can’t believe I finally went through with it. I should start of by explaining that I have been married for almost 15 years to the same man, we have 3 kids, 2 dogs, a nice house and a good life. But all this time there has been something missing. Something I haven’t exactly been able to express, but its been a pressing desire for a long time. To be used publicly by strange men.

I was supposed to be at the hospital, visiting my aunt who is unfortunately not doing well. I had told my husband that was where I would be. And that I might stay the evening with her because she was really not doing well. But I didn’t go to the hospital. I didn’t visit my aunt. Instead I went straight to the local dive bar, a place I haven’t been in years. Still the same though. Dingy, dirty and full of people for the Irish holiday.