
I’ve this fantasy I cannot get out of my head…

I wake up after nodding off to the sound of the shower. I’ve been left restrained, a mornings load plugged inside me by a dual clitoral/gspot stimulator he has access to through his phone.

I strain to see the sunlight cross the room through the blindfold the time passes. He’s left some classical/synth playlist on in another room and I can just hear it from my place among his pillows.

I’ve been left me with water and a helpful straw within lips reach so I stay hydrated.

I can’t help but grin feeling similar to a pet hamster when I make the connection that I am HIS pet in this scenario.

A little time passes after he’s left and I’m sleepy and replete from his morning attention.

I nod off again. What just seems a few minutes later and suddenly my clit is thrumming.

He must have made it to work safely, I muse as I work my thighs tightly together to gain release before he switches me off again.