The Best Friend [MF] [Long] (My first story)

The text read: “You better be packed and ready to go by the time I get there. Because this girl is done with classes and ready to get the hell out of here!” I smiled at her excitement and texted her back, “The car is all packed and ready to go. As soon as you’re home we’re out of here.” Sarah was a beautiful woman. She was shorter than me at about 5’4”, but what she didn’t have in height she made up with her breasts and ass. She struggled to put on pants because of the size of her butt, but I wasn’t complaining one bit. She had flowing blonde hair, full lips, and the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen. I love her, but let’s be honest, I’ve been growing tired of the same old thing. Sarah and I had been together for about four and a half years now. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to marry her, but I’ve gotten the feeling that she is ready to take that next step. The door flew open and Sarah came running in. “Jesus Christ, I’m so done with school. Can we please get out of here so I can forget this whole thing?” she said with a voice full of exhaustion. “As long as all your stuff is packed in the car we can head out right now.” I replied. Her head nodded with excitement and she sprinted to the room only to sprint back out the door in mere seconds with a small backpack. Before I could shut and lock the door she was already in the passenger seat screaming, “Hurry up you slowpoke. I want to see Jessica!” I jumped into the car and we headed off.

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