Keeping it in the family (FICTION (INCEST) (STR8)

“Yawn”, I look over at my alarm clock. 11:30, ‘wow’. I actually woke up kind of early for a change. Normally I would wake up at like 2 in the afternoon on a Saturday since I’m usually up all night playing video games with friends. A lot of hours on Warzone have recently been logged on my PC. Luckily my family doesn’t really care when I get up or if I even leave my room. As long as I get good grades and don’t eat junk food every day they will, in general, leave me alone. Speaking of my family, if I can hear correctly, it sounds like my sister is talking to our cousin again. Lately I have heard them speaking on the phone together nearly every day. I genuinely don’t understand what they could possibly have to discuss after all this time. Whatever, I guess I’ll just go downstairs and get some breakfast.