The Ghost and I Part II

The next morning, I woke to an empty bed. Where Lucy had been the night before lay only the faintest of impressions coupled with a slight chill in the otherwise warm room. I stared into the middle for a few minutes, recollecting the night before, trying to grasp the fleeting memories of the transcendent sensations I had experienced the night before. Alas, the more I attempted to catch these, the quicker they fluttered away, burning in the early morning’s sun like a dream upon waking.

I lay back, a bittersweet ripple flowing through my body. Had any of it been real? Those brown eyes, shimmering bronze pieces of seduction, smoldered in my mind. The scent of strawberries clung to the back of my mind like cheap cologne, but I didn’t care. I found it odd that, after such a crazy night, the things I could think about the most weren’t the crazy sensations on my cock, but the gentle, intimate moments, like her hair brushing against my face or the gentle warmth of her lips.

Categorized as Erotica

The Ghost and I Part I

I knew from the start that my new house was haunted. Dishes would fly off countertops, light footsteps would interrupt my sleep, and I got an icy chill when I entered some rooms. The spirit didn’t seem malicious, only letting me know that it was there.

For a while, I lived in harmony with it and was able to ignore its presence. Now, that isn’t to say that we eventually didn’t get along, but rather I wasn’t aware what it, or she, was. But now… now I am.

It happened about six months after I moved in. I had just got home from work and was exhausted and stressed. So, it only made sense to jack off to relieve the stress and make it easier to fall asleep. I took off my clothes, crawled in bed, and pulled up pornhub on my phone. I was really into step-fantasy at the time. I just imagined having my own stepsister that I could slide my cock into any time I wanted. I found a video, grabbed my dick, and started stroking.