Finally Fucking Dean Part 4

Dean and I spent the rest of the weekend christening every room of my townhome. In between our FuckFest sessions Dean and I talked. He told me more about his childhood and how he grew up.

Dean’s brother Jay practically raised him since their parents were functioning alcoholics. Their dad worked construction for a local builder but took off when he found out their mom was cheating with the cook at the bar she worked nights at. Dean spoke of them matter of factly without any pain or anger emitting from his voice. He and Jay have had no contact with their mom since Dean was 16 after a violent fight with her boyfriend. Jay found Dean bloodied to hell that night and had Dean move in with him.

Dean told me about his past relationships. He dated a girl named Brittany during his junior and senior year of High School. They broke up when she left for college while Dean stayed getting a job in construction. When he was 22 he met Megan a bartender while bar hoping with Jay one night. He never gave a reason why things ended with Megan, only that they dated for a couple of years.

Finally Fucking Dean Part 3

It was evening before Dean dropped me back off at my place. I thought about inviting him in but I knew we would just spend the whole night fucking. Tomorrow was Monday and I figured we could both use a rest. When Dean parked in my driveway he kissed my lips, his tongue tantalizing and teasing mine. He lifted my dress uncovering my naked pussy. “Sweet little pussy” was all he said as I got out of his truck and headed inside.

Back inside my townhome I melted on my couch. This was surrealist thing to ever happen to me. Apart of me reveled in my sexual prowess while another part of me feared Dean only thought of me as his fuck toy. While I did want to be his fuck toy I also was a relationship kind of girl. Sure I’ve had a couple of one night stands while vacationing but it felt different since all parties involved knew we’d never meet again.

The next day Dean and I acted like nothing had ever happened between us. When I got in my shower stall I hoped he would join me. Apart of me was wanting to give in to lust while my heart screamed to be more reserved and cautious. Dean hopped in his stall by the time I was finishing up.

Categorized as Erotica

Finally Fucking Dean Part 2

Back at home I replayed everything in my head for the rest of the night. After regaining use of my legs, Dean returned to his stall with a sly smile on his face while getting dressed. I knew I had just had the best sex of my life but had no idea where this put Dean and me. Would it happen again? Will things get weird if it doesn’t happen again. I did my best to play it cool, not letting my hopeful excitement show on my face. I definitely wanted to fuck Dean again. But was I ready for a relationship? Did Dean even want a relationship? He barely ever talked about his past relationships. He had mentioned two other women before, only in passing conversation. He never really said much about them. I didn’t want to get my hopes up so I decided I would let it all fall into place and not force anything. I promised myself I was not going to ask Dean if we were dating or exclusive though I hoped he wasn’t seeing someone else. The idea of him fucking another woman like that made my cheeks flush and jealousy twinged my stomach into a knot. After dressing Dean walked me to my car, I didn’t linger afraid to be disappointed if he didn’t kiss me. I gave Dean a quick kiss on the cheek and said “I’ll see you later”. As I got in my car Dean gave me an amused look and waved goodbye.

Categorized as Erotica

Finally Fucking Dean

It was my first day on the job at The Glenn apartments. My job included cleaning apartments and helping with remodeling. I didn’t have much construction experience but The Glenn’s owner, Gary, didn’t mind too much. I was to be on a two person team, mostly cleaning up vacant apartments and assisting my coworker. I didn’t just need this job for money, I needed to build myself up again.

Three months ago, a friend texted me a picture of my (ex)boyfriend, Josh, making out with a girl at a party, the text continued saying he went into a bedroom with the girl and had been in there for awhile. I was crushed. We had been together just over a year and everything was great between us. We hardly ever argued, our sex life was great and we were planning on moving in together. I ended it with Josh because I couldn’t get past the cheating. I knew even if I could find a way to forgive him I just couldn’t get over his betrayal. I knew it would seep into our relationship and poison it. Though Josh was still texting me and occasionally showing up at my townhouse trying to win me back.