When you need help relaxing at work before a big presentation [MF] [Cheating]

I had spent the entirety of last night practicing over and over until I felt I had it down. It wasn’t going to win any awards but the content was good, of that I was sure. It told a compelling story, got the point across, and I was finally starting to believe I’d deliver it well. Saying that my career hung on this pitch might have been a bit dramatic… but I knew I wouldn’t be doing myself any favors by screwing it up.

It was 5am when I pushed open the door to the boardroom. Yes it was earlier than I usually showed up, earlier than anyone showed up as was evidenced by the fact that the office was empty apart from me. I wanted to test the setup, make sure the Powerpoint was working correctly, the last thing I wanted was hiccups during the presentation.

I hadn’t heard from you yet today, but that didn’t surprise me. After all, it was early, and even though you were usually one of the first ones in the office that was still easily 2 hours away. The boss, and yourself always arrive at the same time, 7 am on the dot. Makes sense, him being your husband and all, why take separate cars when you are coming from the same place.