James had been working as a masseuse at a small, independently owned massage location for a few years. He enjoyed helping his clients get rid of their stress that they had built up over time. Every massage was a little bit different, but they were all pretty similar. First a quick discussion with a client to see if there were any spots that needed extra attention, or any spots to avoid, then ask them to dress down to their level of comfort, massage back, massage front, get them a drink of water, discuss, done. He was always very respectful of each client, and felt fulfilled by the way he was able to build a special connection with each client during a massage session and his clients were grateful when they discussed the massage at the end. James had friends in other areas of customer service who had difficulties with disgruntled customers, but he got to work with people, and genuinely help them to feel better.
One day Lauren was scheduled for a session with James. She had a 1 year old at home, and this have been her first chance in a long time to get out of the house and have some time to herself. Before her session, James asked her “what are your goals for the session? Do you have any particular trouble spots that you want me to focus on?”