While Gentle, They Fall

So this is a prologue to a longer work that I’m currently writing. I left the man unnamed on purpose, because he will be significant later in the story.

But let me know what you think, all positive criticism is welcome. And of course, the most important question is: would you keep reading?

Edit: I feel silly for forgetting to do this in the title (will deff remember for next time) but this is [MF]


The movement along the beach was synced to the onslaught of gentle rain. Waves roared against the battered shoreline, their claws of agony poised, their worlds colliding with the thunder above. Rain fell steadily on to trembling heads and shoulders; the trees bent silently in the wind. From time to time there came outbreaks of cursory thunderclaps, as the bloated clouds strained over the smoldering cabin that sang a plume of despair, the battered sands that crumbled underneath the kiss of every drop, and the blood that lay soaked into the ground where it had fallen between the trees.

Categorized as Erotica