[FF-teens] [1st-lesb] [reluc] LOSING is an erotic story of two teenage best friends sharing one night of discovery for one and loss for the other. This is a highly erotic story that takes you from the height of arousal to melancholy of loss in around 1500 words. Amazing!

If you like images to go with your story you can find the link for the illustrated version of this story in the comments below. Enjoy…

When I was 18 I spent a lot of time with a girl named Beth. She’d been my best friend since 6th grade and I thought there was nothing we didn’t know about each other. Boy was I wrong!

I was a skinny, brown-haired, cheerleader at that time. I lettered in swimming and diving and had a great boyfriend who (I thought) I was in love with. Beth was the same age, a little shorter at 5’1″, and weighed all of 90lbs. She had blonde hair in a shag cut and she really was a total hottie!

We shared everything! Whatever one of us had or knew was immediately shared with the other. She was the sister I never had, a twin sister at that!

Of course, we always talked about sex. Everything from first periods to first dates. And beyond that, there was no subject I could imagine us not being able to discuss. And so it was when we were both 18 and spending the night in the loft of her dad’s barn that a new subject came up.

[Mf-teen] [exh] [reluc] [1st] BABYSITTER WANTS IT – A teen babysitter is taken advantage of. Or does she flirt and ask for it. Either way, she loves it.

If you like images to go with your story you can find the link for the illustrated version of this story in the comments below. Enjoy…

My name is Cheryl and I want to tell how I lost my virginity and how I fell in love with an older guy and I still love him, dearly.

It started several years ago when I was babysitting for some friends of my mom and dad. I was 16 and had developed, early. I had red hair, a nice slim body with 35b titties, and was just starting to enjoy the attention I was getting from boys. My mom wanted me to baby-sit for her friends, across town, on  Saturday nights. I told her that I would this week, but I might have a date next week. My parents told me, “NO DATING, YET!”

I was pissed and just knew I wouldn’t like this babysitting job. On my first night, I arrived at 6:00 pm, and a beautiful blonde woman, about 23 or 24, let me in the door. She was all dressed up in a short dress and looked very pretty. I did notice, however, that she had no cleavage. (I was glad I had nice boobies, for the boys to play with.) Then the husband came with their 4-year-old daughter. She was dark-headed, like her daddy, and a really cute little girl.

[F/m-teen] [wife] [exh] [oral] HUSBAND LOVES TO SHOW OFF WIFE IN THE SHOE STORE – A husband loves to show off his sexy wife to men, women and especially young teenage boys. The wife loves it, too. She is a walking wet dream.

If you like images to go with your story you can find the link for the illustrated version of this story in the comments below. Enjoy…

Hi again. My name is Marcia, and in case you haven’t read my other stories, I’ll give you a short history. I’m a 24-year-old wife, whose husband loves to show off her body to men, women, and especially to young teenage boys. (I love that, too!) I have long dark hair and am 5’10” tall with long sexy legs, 35B breasts, and my husband and many other people say I have a real, “walking wet dream” body.

I love to show it off for my husband, who likes me to wear mini-skirts and go braless wherever we go. My favorite thing to do is get young teenage boys hard and then play with them – and even suck them if they’re real cooperative – while my husband watches and jacks-off. We do that, almost every weekend.

Last night we went shopping and of course, I wore a very sexy outfit. We stopped by the arcade and played a few games. My short skirt kept rising up my thighs as we played and several boys were watching me. My husband said he was getting hard, just watching them, watching me.

[MMF] [wife] [voy] [ws] [reluc] DONNA, MY WIFE, MY SLUT – A husband wants to see wife fucked by other men. He gets her drunk and it goes a lot further than his wife could have ever imagined…

A husband wants to see wife fucked by other men. He gets her drunk and it goes a lot further than his wife could have ever imagined…

I have been married to my wife Donna for over ten years. We have 2 children and love each other very much. We didn’t have sex until our wedding night and the sex has been very good ever since. I, however, have always wanted to see her fuck and suck other men. Maybe this is because she is such a goody-two-shoes wife and good mother.  

As most men know there is something about a housewife/mother being slutty that turns them on. I am no exception. I have been trying to get Donna to do this for the past several years. She will have none of it.  

Morally she is a good person and thinks that all sex should be between husband and wife. I believe this too, but my desires tell me otherwise.  

I finally convinced her to be a bit slutty when it was just us. She agreed and the deal was she would dress sexy and we would go out to a nightclub (which we’d never gone to before by the way) and do some dancing.

[MF] [demon] SUCCUBUS – suk’yoo-be, n. [pl. SUCCUBI (-bi’) In folklore, a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with a sleeping man.

I was having the weirdest dream over several weeks periods. It was always the same dream and as time went on the dream became more and more vivid. It was getting so that I enjoyed going to bed in anticipation of my dream.

This reoccurring dream was always about my sexual domination by a beautiful female who never quite seemed to materialize. All I could ever see was a small portion of her body at any one time. Sometimes it would be my hand caressing a smooth silky thigh, or a swollen nipple between two of my fingers, or maybe my erect manhood slipping between russet folds of sweet flesh as I sank into her to the hilt.

But always the same feeling of total domination and complete helplessness and extreme pleasure centered at my crotch.

Then the fatigue began to set in. At first, it was just difficult to wake up in the mornings. I would feel bleary, tired, and used up like I’d been out partying all night.

The feeling of fatigue became more pronounced as the days progressed until I began sleeping in later and later. I was getting in trouble at work for being late. I felt like I was out of control and the feeling of helplessness was overpowering.

Categorized as Erotica

[F/m-teen] [wife-cheat] [1st] [oral] ANNA AND I – an erotic story of young love, religious protection, and mature mutual agreement. This is a good one guys…

I have been dating Andrea for 9 months but her mother is deeply religious and thinks premarital sex is wrong. Andrea’s mother and I come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.


I was a 17-year-old male in the conservative south. I had been dating Andrea, a deeply religious Christian, for 9 months. At that time we got to know a lot about each other and to no surprise, I was looking forward to getting intimate for the first time with her.

Andrea was 17 with long blonde hair and a thin frame on her 5′ 8″ body. She had a beautiful face with green eyes and an electric smile but her B cup breasts were nothing compared to her gorgeous mother, Anna’s, D cup melons.

Anna was only 32 years old, 5′ 4″ and had a 38-25-36 body that had the attention of several men who claimed to be modeling agents offering her jobs.

Every time Anna laughed and turned them down regardless of the money they offered. Her religious beliefs forbid her from showing off her body. Judging by what I saw in her sweaters her decision had to be considered a great loss for humanity, at least the male part.

[MF] [voy] [wife-sharing] [intr] GUEST ROOM is a story of betrayal and sexual excitement. Never be surprised by what can turn you on…

“Oh, my aching head.”

The sunlight was streaming through the bedroom window violating my eyelids. I reached out to grab the clock and held it in front of my face. I was having a heck of a time trying to focus. It must have been the one, or two,

or three long island ice teas too many last night. I hadn’t done anything like that since college.

My mouth tasted like, well, you’ve all had that feeling. I needed a serious drink of water and some coffee, lots of coffee. The good news was that I could smell it brewing downstairs. I could also smell something else cooking, bacon. “I wonder what I’ve done to deserve this?” I thought to myself.

I gradually sat up and looked around the room. There on the floor was my suit, one of my more expensive suits. I didn’t even remember taking it off last night. That would explain why it was all balled up by the door. I looked over by my wife Diane’s side of the bed. There was a pair of empty wine glasses on her nightstand. What the hell were they there for? Then I started to get that, “Ah shit, I really fucked something up!” feeling.

[FF] [lesbian] [wives] – BI_NAVY WIVES – this is a little hardcore guys. Some would say a handful ;)

I am a bisexual woman, in my late twenties, with a predilection for straight women. To me, the most exciting sex is with an attractive woman who thinks lesbian love is wrong, but whose sexual desires drive her to it.

Three months ago a naval officer and his wife moved next door. He promptly left on what I came to find out was a five-month assignment at sea. His wife also works, but was obviously lonely. I brought her into my circle of

friends to help her feel at home in her new neighborhood.

Her name is Claire, and she’s about five foot seven, with long, shapely legs and a round, sexy ass. Red, lustrous hair reaches down to her shoulders, which are very broad. I think her breasts are perfect; they are only an A-cup, but are shaped like classic champagne glasses and have large, pronounced nipples.

**Working out…**

Being fitness oriented, I soon had her going to aerobics class with me and working out. This came to be my tool for introducing Claire to the pleasures of female love.

[MF] [exh] [huml] [spank] AMISH DISCIPLINE – A man watches a pretty young Amish girl in the local general store while visiting Amish country. He’s drawn to her innocents and her strong young body.

A man watches a pretty young Amish girl in the local general store while visiting Amish country. He’s drawn to her innocents and her strong young body.

If you have never visited Amish Country, you have missed a real treat. You seem to go back in time, but at the same time everything seems to blended with the 20th Century.

My wife and I had moved to a portion of Ohio that was right on the border of some Amish Farms. As you drive down the rural highways, you are confronted with the traditional Amish buggies pulled by those magnificent

horses that the Amish take such pride in owning.

They are a hard working people that live a very simple life, with no amenities, such as indoor plumbing, electricity or television. The families are very disciplined, with the father ruling the family and making all decisions for the woman and children, the traditional setting of father as the head of the house.

I am always intrigued by the way the woman can drive those buggies and keep the high-spirited horses under their control. The women wear those long cotton dresses that are made of a very simple colored pattern printed fabric.

[F+/M+, college, exh, org] DIRTY CHEERLEADERS COME CLEAN – College cheerleaders find out that the shower in their locker room is broken. However, the shower in the boy’s locker room works…

There were five of us on our college cheerleading squad.

We were really working up a sweat practicing all afternoon, while the football team was doing their practice, too. We all finished up at about the same time, and we girls hit the locker room.

Just then, our coach informed us that the showers didn’t work! We were drenched in sweat and desperately needed to get clean and fresh. “Well, the boys’ shower works across the hall. I’m sure they won’t mind,” she replied in fun, then left the locker room. We could hear the running water across the way.

“I’m almost ready to do it, I’m so sweaty!” said Paulette. “Well, why not?” replied Monica. “Why not? I’m not showering with a bunch of guys!” I said.

Monica turned to me and said “Well, you can do what you want, but I’m gonna get clean anyway I know-how. Besides, aside from a couple of minor body differences, we’re all the same, so what’s the big deal? Come on, Red, you got nothing to be ashamed of.”

My nickname was “Red” because of my red hair and freckles against my pale, white skin.