A Different Flavour [MF/MFM] (First time post)

It was turning out to be a pretty normal week. I would wake up in the morning, have some breakfast, make lunch, walk the dog and, kiss my fiancee goodbye and head to work. I represent a large automotive parts manufacturer, working with the major manufacturers to make the parts they needed for when they needed them, a fairly repetitive job with few surprises. The week was progressing without any problems, and I was looking forward to the weekend.

Little did I know that soon I would be swept up in some serious relationship drama. My fiancee Lisa, had two best friends, Alex and Courtney, who both had serious party streaks. They had seemed to be settling down, both had lately given up the partying lifestyle to commit to long-term relationships. Alex had been with Adrian, a pretty cool guy who I got along with terrifically, for over a year now. Courtney had been dating a guy named Zack, who we secretly referred to as Harley for his insistence on riding his Harley-Davidson (sans muffler, might I add) to every event he attended, including a funeral for a high school friend of the girls.