Red Eye [mf]

11:17 p.m. I had 10 minutes to make it across Atlanta International and catch my flight to San Francisco. I cinched down the straps on my backpack, confirmed my departure gate on the monitors, and took off, careful not to spill my precious coffee. Caffeine doesn't do much for me anymore, but I got decaf to be on the safe side. The flight would feel a lot shorter if I could catch a few Zs.

You never realize just how oblivious most travelers are until you're in this much of a rush. Families walking five across, taking up the whole walkway. Tourists fumbling through their bags right in front of the entrance to the escalator. Business men flicking their Blackberries and walking at a snail's pace.

I checked my watch again – 11:22. "Fuck…" I picked up the pace, weaving between travelers, dodging airport personnel in golf carts, half expecting a TSA agent to yell at me to slow down.

11:25. My terminal. 15 gates to go. 10…5…1. 11:27. I arrived slightly breathless, just in the nick of time.

A hollow, static voice came over the intercom: "Now boarding Zones 1, 2, and 3."

Trust Me [MF MM]

PREFACE: For the sake of realism, and to enhance your reading experience, you should know that my wife and I have already done most, if not all of these things before. Just not all in one session. The following is a fantasy that's been driving me wild for a little while now. It starts off relaxing and romantic, and descends into deeply kinky sex.

Her shoulders were tired and her lower back was throbbing. She loved her job running a greenhouse, but by Friday afternoons she was always exhausted. Today was no exception and she was in dire need of a cold beer and a comfy couch.

Opening their front door, she was hit with a welcome blast of air conditioning, sending a shiver up her spine and raising goose bumps on her arms. Their two dogs came bounding through the kitchen, crashing into her legs with sheer excitement. She was pleasantly surprised – why weren't they in the backyard?

She looked up to see her husband standing in the kitchen with a mischievous grin.

"Well, hey! Why are you home so early?" she asked.

"Come with me…" he said, offering his hand and sidestepping her question.

Mirror Image – Part 1 [mf | mf]

They say cities are for the young, and I’m inclined to agree. Overcrowded and fast-paced, you need a certain vitality just to keep up. It would be damn near impossible to cross the street with a cane, dodging taxis, bike messengers, and tourists before the light turned. Plus there are so many opportunities to meet people: bars, gyms, universities and parks. That would all be wasted on the old. With a young, attractive population, a vibrant city is the place to be.

That’s just how Rachel and I met, swing dancing on a Saturday night. Maybe that’s not your typical story, but could you imagine it happening out in suburbia? A year and a half later we moved into Highland Manor, a three-story apartment building. It was by no means our first choice, but it has ample space, big bright windows, and cheap rent. But seriously, the name? The landlord was either overly ambitious or had a sense of humor. It’s hardly on highland – the basement and occasionally the first floor flood with a heavy rain. And ‘Manor’ is a comically optimistic title. It’s a place to live, that’s about it.

Chance Encounter [mf]

The afternoon was…sultry. The warm, humid August air would have been oppressive, but a gentle breeze was rustling the leaves, taking the edge off. Gathering clouds helped block the sun but promised a summer thunderstorm would be rolling through in the next few hours. The weekend had nearly gotten past her, and she still had a week’s worth of grocery shopping to get through.

“At least it won’t be crowded,” she sighed, gathering her list and bags. She hated shopping, but you have to eat.

Walking out onto the street she couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. The recent heat-wave had her wearing skirts and tank tops, and the exposed skin was drawing noticeable attention. Did they have to stare? Not that she minded – it was exciting in a way. But still, it would be nice to walk in peace.

A few short blocks later the grocer’s air conditioning was more than welcome, though they might have overdone it. The glow of sweat on her skin momentarily turned to a shiver and she felt her nipples harden against her shirt. Outside it was far too hot for a bra, but in here was a whole other story. Cooling sweat made the fabric cling and her nipples were clearly visible. Sunday afternoon at the grocery store, she’d probably give one of the elderly men a heart attack looking like this, and if they knew she wasn’t wearing any panties under her skirt, it would pretty much seal the deal.

Categorized as Erotica