the heorine of gluttony Pt 3

In the next many days, the King spoiled the heroine and her entourage with indulgence of all kinds.
Jasmin didn’t want to see her men doing nasty things in these parties—there were heavy drinking and orgies, so the king assigned them designated area for such purposes, and her bodyguards, the iron maidens, stationed nearby, while Jasmin tried to meet the king one on one, to communicate her vision with the King.
“King Louis, the gods have revealed many mysteries to me. I shall tell you everything I know”, Jasmin was a focused, disciplined warrioress. Years of battles and training had shaped her character. She was on a mission. Partying only made her feel like wasting time.
“Of course, my beloved Jasmin, the slayer of demons. Come! My scholars are ready. They can use magic to get all the revelation from your memory if you don’t mind”, said king Louis with a tentative tone, as if he was asking for permission.
“At your disposal my king”, Jasmin was elated. She couldn’t wait for the kingdom to transform into the wonderful, technological, advanced, and educated nations she saw in her revelations.
They led Jasmin to a secret chamber. It was dark, underground, and heavily fortified.
On the floor was magic symbols and circles. Jasmin sat on the center, and the scholars and monks from the Temple of Light sat on their respective positions encircling Jasmin, and started chanting the magic spell for memory.
Soon telepathy links were formed, and the scholars magically translated Jasmin’s visions into scrolls of knowledges.
The amount of knowledges were vast and it covered many secrets that this world had not seen—iron birds that could fly, iron snakes that could carry heavy resources back and forth across continent, medical knowledges that could extend humans’ life by a century, machines that could communicate to each other from one end of the world to the other, and many more.
The king was shocked by the implications of this, but quickly maintained his composure, and for the last time, in his good and gentle character, he said, “Well done, Jasmin. This knowledge you brought us will change the world, more than you can imagine”
“I shall entrust a lot of this knowledge to you and the heroes, to lead a drastic reform, something so big this kingdom had never seen. Who else could I trust but for you and your men? This can rapidly transform our kingdom, or destroy it. This nuclear bomb, for example. So we must tread cautiously, heroine. “, the king said meekly.
“I understand my king. With this knowledge, let us start reforming. I think my men could do without so much partying. We must make haste”, Jasmin was eager to see parliament, democracy, human rights, in this kingdom.
She learned from history of the other worlds that getting there was full of pains and struggles.
She understood that this was not a time to relax. She had to do what she could while she had the king’s ear and people’s memory of her heroic deed was still fresh.
King Louis knew if Jasmin learned he had no intention of freeing the minds of the people, but to use this new found knowledge to strengthen his rule, she would overflow him.
He had his army quietly surrounded Jasmin’s entourage. The men were all drunk and sleeping with trained prostitutes who were actually trained assassins and mages. The Iron maiden, was heavily surrounded by the King’s guards.
Their legendary weapons and armor had been stored away, because it was impolite to carry weapons in the King’s feast.
The king sent his men to steal their powerful weaponry, and reforged them into cuff and chains. Soon, the king would put them all under these chains for treasons.

Categorized as Erotica

The Heorine of Gluttony pt. 2

The king and queen received the heroine and her entourage when they arrived at the King’s Landing. The people cheered all the way as they walked to the palace.
People were dancing, and children sang legends of the heroine, and they admired her beauty, which was other worldly, not even fairies and elves could compete with her.
When the King saw Jasmin, he could barely contain his lust. This woman had to be his.
King Louis was a handsome man. He was masculine, strong, youthful, and he would stay in his prime for 30 more years due to his bloodline.
But King Louis had a secret. He wanted to be fat and hedonistic. He had spent the last decade pretending to be a good king, along with the tremendous responsibility and hard work that came with that mask.
He couldn’t wait to be finally able to eat and fuck as much as he wanted with whoever he wanted, especially Jasmine and her female comrades.
Jasmine and her entourage were the remaining force that could threaten his power, and once they were subdued, he would be free to live out his fantasy.
King Louis had already implemented policy which mandates the noble to send their children to the Temple of Light, and half of the children would become celibates, or contribute to breeding new generation of warriors, wizards, knights, in case the dark force returned.
Through public education, the king owns the minds and loyalty of the children.
The ultimate purpose of this policy was population control, through selective breeding, the King was planning to reduce the offsprings of the nobles, and the new bred of children, with improved bloodline, would serve the Temple of Light, and the throne.
“My beloved heroes and heroines. You have saved the kingdom! I shall reward your deeds”, said the King.
Now the king had a number of scholars in his court. The court used to be filled with aristocrats, lords of multiple states, clergies of different religions, but during the long years of battles, the Temple of Light and the scholars had come to prominent.
Secretly, the Temple was a breeding lab for the king. Subjects with the best bloodline would be chosen for breeding.
The scholars had systematically, and gradually, dominated the literatures of the Kingdom. The sole purpose of their existence was to marginalize the voices of different religions, and ultimately control the thinking of people.
By the time they fulfilled their purpose, there shall be no more wizards, necromancers, lords, fractions, and other religions, or schools of thoughts, outside of the official Temple of Light.
Eventually, citizens would not bear any weapon other than kitchen ware or farm tools. All shall be peasants and subject to the absolute ownership of the throne.
In the name of unity, all the religions had to contribute their crafts to the Temple. The templars, initially created as a benign neighbourhood militia to protect citizens from infiltration of the dark force, had expanded and extended to every part of the kingdom.
They held all noble families hostage, serving as the secret police force for the King.
“My King, I had received guidance from the Spirits. It opened my eyes for the future of the Kingdom. It is of utmost important that I bring this matter to you and the court for discussion”, said Jasmin. She was sure the good and gentle King would be happy to hear what she was going to tell him.
“Beloved Jasmine, you may speak your mind. Please do. The insights you learned from the Spirits must be very precious. Please, write down everything you hear from the Spirits. I will assign the scholars to take down notes and make a book out of these important insights”, said the King, “but for now, let us celebrate. Drink! Good heroes of Aristoro! Drink away!”
The feast was abundant. There were plenty of wines and beers. Delicious desserts and foods they had not tasted since they embarked on their quest were heavenly.
Musicians and poets sang their praises and beautiful, young women and men danced before the heroes.

The Heorine of Gluttony Pt 1.

Jasmin and her entourages had finally slain Belphegor, the archdemon of Gluttony, a fat demon boss, after having campaigned for 10 long years.
They had fought many a battle, gained immeasurable power, learned secrets of this Universe, and after many legendary campaigns, they did it.
Many lives were lost and they were worn out.
The last battle with the archdemon was traumatic. They could never forgot the flabby, 18 feets tall archdemon.
The dungeon that sat its throne was fully of very delicious foods and beautiful, female creatures of various weights. Some of them were elves, some were humanoid with tails, some were furries, and some of them were human warrioress like Jasmin, but had fallen before the demons. The archdemon had captured them, and put them in chains for fattening.
Belphegor enjoyed watching these female heorines slowly fell for pleasures, and a lot of lot of sex. In the beginning of their captivity, they were all pure and athletic and slim, and refused to surrender to the demon, but after many temptations and watching their fellow heroines succumbed, it was only a matter of time until each one of them fell.
In exchange for foods and pleasures, these heroines would eventually bred with Belphegor and his minions, and this was how the demons reproduced.
It was an epic battle. It wasn’t impossible to defeat Belphegor, but the biggest danger of fighting the archdemon of gluttony was psychological. It was almost impossible to resist the lure of gluttony.
When Jasmin’s legendary sword, Rimeheart, pierced through Belphegor’s obese body, the archdemon screamed, “Aaaaahhhhhhhahaha. *cough *cough* It wasn’t over *cough*. Mortal! We shall meet again and you will become my fat slave and beg for my fat dick muhahahahhaha”. He thought he would die right away after his last words.
“Um…hm?”, Belphegor was perplexed why he hadn’t died yet.
“It takes awhile. My sword prefers to torture the enemy for a bit”, said Jasmin with a mischievous smile.
Rimeheart was imbued with lightening magic. It sent electrical shocks to the archdemon every 6 seconds.
“Aaaaahh. Stop it! Kill me know bitch”, Belphegor screamed.
“Bitch you are gonna pay for this. aaaahhhhhhh”
An hour later, his body was evaporated by the lightening power of the sword.
Was Belphegor dead for real? Would it return to wreak havoc one day?
The sight of the fat demon and his female feedee slaves would haunt Jasmin’s dreams and never went away.
Jasmin had become the most powerful human of the world. No human, nor demons, came close to her power
Her battles tested body was resistant to magic, poison, or physical attack. In the realms of men, there wasn’t body that was a feminine as her— she had every curve that a beautiful woman should have.
While every women were short of perfection due to blemish of some kinds, Jasmin had no imperfection.
Every ounce of her muscle had explosive power and strength, but it wasn’t bulky, or masculine, at all.
Through years of physical training and previous generations of breeding and selecting for battle purposes, her blood was of the most elitist in the humans’ realms.
Due to her bloodline, her beautiful appearance and body would stay at the peak state of youthfulness and beauty for another 90 years.
Often, Jasmin would think about the last words of Belphegor and touch herself when bathing in river, or creek.
The men wished they could look at her body. But her personal guards, the iron maiden, would encircle the bathing spot.
Finally, they were able to go home. They returned to the Kingdom of Aristoro, and the king had organized a big feast for their return.
The kingdom of Aristoro was under the iron rule of king Louis.
The kingdom once almost became a republic, but long years of battles with the dark force had regressed the kingdom back to the dark age.
King Louis had subtly consolidated almost all power to the throne.
King Louis descended from long lines of kings, many of whom were puppets, and the best among them had just enough power to counterbalance the court.
Under king Louis, through political machinations, he disarmed and impoverished the noble class, and arranged for them to live in his palace, in the name of unity, but actually for better control.
Before they realized what was going on, they were rendered powerless, and serving only as the king’s puppets.
This was done so cleverly, under the disguise of fighting the dark force.
Every time the dark force threatened the kingdom, Louis, known as the good and gentle king, would beg the aristocrats to contribute men and resources. Gradually, their power dwindled, but the king promised them it was only temporary, until the battle was over.
Jasmin’s family was one of the noble houses. Now that her quest was over, she felt it was finally time to reform the kingdom.
She had learned about what happened to her family, but she didn’t believe it was all by the king’s design. She thought King Louis had to do it to unite the kingdom given the threat of the dark force.
During one of her many quests, she had received guidance from the spiritual realm, and learned about governmental structure that would free her people from their regressive way.
Since she had just saved the kingdom, surely the good and gentle king Louis, and the people of Aristoro, would listen to her.
It was time for a change.
“I have a bad feeling about the king’s feast Jasmin. Something dark is lurking. There is a cloud blocking my clairvoyance on this”, said the good wizard, Alfreddor, a 186 years old magician, well versed in clairvoyance, fire magics, and mass area spells and curses.
“Hahaha, you think too much. We’d just defeated Belphegor, what else can harm us?”, said Trevor, a white knight of the Temple of Light, the official religion of Aristoro. His whole life was dedicated to the Temple of Light and its doctrines.

Categorized as Erotica

Falling for the Cult Leader Pt 2

The new guy was staring at me again. He was cute though so it wasn’t creepy. I had never seen as asian boy so tall and strong before. His skin looked better than mine haha
Should I have said virile instead of strong? Here was the thing.
Everyday at lunch period he would stare at me from where he was sitting with his friends. It made me feel self conscious but I tried hard to look normal and oblivious of his intense energy.
He always stared at people. From what I heard he got a reputation. Even the most notorious bad guy who carried weapons to school respected him. He never got into troubles but everybody seemed to accept his strong stares.
He had this way of staring at you that project confidence. Sometimes he did it with interest, sometimes adoration.
I believed his stare of me was that of adoration.
I had thought about it a lot, and finally decided to approach him. He was playing chess with his friends.
I simply ignored his friends and sat next to the new guy.
Me: “Hey”
Turning to me slowly. No sign of excitement or anything. He formed a small smile “hey”
“How do play chess?” I learn on my left palm with elbow on the table. This was my best attempt at flirting.
Him: “Ok, here is the pawn. You move one grid ahead with it, here is the rock, you can go vertically or horizontally”
He was speaking very slowly in monotone, with exaggerated asian accent, as if he was talking to a special child.
Me: “fuck you!” and quickly walked away.
What happened with me? I was such a bitch. Later I thought about it. I wondered if I misread him. Maybe he actually was just starting to learn English?
Too late. I was embarrassed but he didn’t stop staring at me next day.
Oh he was walking toward me. My heart was pounding. I wanted to hide so bad because I was made a fool of myself yesterday.
“Hi, sorry about yesterday”, he spoke with that extra slow pace again, with heavy accent. But his voice was… endearing. It wasn’t the sexy kind that I imagined but the kind that quickly disarm you. If you put Winnie the Pooh and some poet voice together that would be probably close.
“I don’t know what I did but girls get mad like that a lot with me so I just say sorry”, he smiled.
Humble brag. I didn’t know what his deal was, but it spiked my curiosity a lot.
Finally, something fun happened in school.
“Do you actually talk like that?”, I couldn’t help
“Like what?” He looked sincere.
I chuckled. He was endearing. I didn’t expect a good looking guy to sound like that.
Him: “You are tall” with a smirk that didn’t match with his endearing voice.
I laughed further.
“Ok calm down”. Again with that slow voice.
When he said “calm down” it was so funny. It was the timing when he said it that made it feel oddly funny. He pushed his hands in front of his chest when he said it. A little bit dramatic.
“hahaha I am sorry” I now wanted to hear more from him.
“My club needs some new members so I just want to know if you like” He said with his mesmerizing way. He had a mix of innocent, confident, fun, and intense vibe. This was something new I couldn’t fully explain it.
“Ya? You want ME to join” I said it with a flirtatious tone.
“Thats what I said” he kept up with his innocent face.
“What is it about”
“Paranormal, you know, like X-file, You and me, like the agents” He smiled. Was that a flirt?
“hookay” Then I went back to my usual spot and he joined his friends again.
He was so nice. Things turned out to be much better than I thought.

Categorized as Erotica

Falling for the Cult Leader pt 1

Everything was boring. Chloe Bennett lived an unchallenged, under-stimulated life. For the most part, she pretended everything was fine to blend in. If she was to be honest, people were too slow. There were so much pointlessness.

Chloe was in her head a lot. She wondered if it was the same for others. Her close friends loved Tik Tok. To her, they were too obsessed, doing silly dances and gossiping about the Tik Tok stars.

On one hand she didn’t like what they liked, but on the other hand, she felt like maybe she had a problem. Why couldn’t she like what most people liked?

She felt like she was missing out on something big.

Soon she met a new guy in school. He was strange, in his head a lot just like Chloe. He didn’t try to blend in but never ran out of friends. Bullies won’t test him. He had this intense glare and people he stared at either nod or looked away.

Everyday he looked at her in cafe but she pretended to not notice.

Until one day she learned that he was part of the paranormal investigation club and it was when her world turned upside down.

Categorized as Erotica

A Fat Awakening Pt 4

Once she said this, it only added fuel to the fire. It was precisely because of the fact that her family might hear made this scene so hot. She couldn’t find strength to resist him. Her soul was trying, but body was weak. She hoped her pleading would work. Unfortunately, Jamie didn’t stop at all. He warped his left arm around her neck, and his right hand reached down to pull down his pant.
She could feel his hard shaft pressing on her bruised heinie. The cock was already out! “Jamie!” her voice was far from being as assertive as she knew it needed to be to stop him on his track. Right now there was a puddle on the spot right below her pussy. Mom would know if she did not change the sheet herself before tomorrow morning.
Hannah wanted to be taken, but she wanted to at least put up a fight with whatever willpower she had left. She squirmed and kicked her feet, but kept the noises down to not alert her family.
He entered her! The narrow back string in between her butt cheeks were shoved aside, making way for the cock. He started thrusting in and out of her vaginal opening. The motions gave her pleasures, but her bruised “sit spot” from the whipping was hurting like hell as his abs and hips pressed against her bottom, grinding her, while shifting his body horizontally back and forth along her back, breathing heavily onto the her ears.
Hannah let out a few moans. Right after she made her first noise, he covered her mouth with his right hand to muffle her. It was as if she was sweetly tortured inside the belly of a giant snake. The mixture of sweat and tears, pain and pleasure, overwhelmed her senses. He was fucking her brain out.
She wanted this to last for a very long time, but suddenly she felt his cock pulsating, and the motion slowed down, from rapidly shoving in and out, to more deliberated thrusts. He grunted each time he delivered a big push, which made Hannah feel like an animal even more, knowing she had been fucked like it was for breeding, not for her pleasure. Finally he came inside her. He abruptly stopped all motion, and collapsed on her sweat soaked body. It was over just as quickly as he started it. Jamie sat up, and pulled his jeans back on. She knew he wouldn’t give her anything more than a quickie, not with her parents in the house, but she still found it deeply satisfying on a mental level. Knowing that Jamie had used her body purely for his own enjoyment made her feel dirty.
“Hannah, we need to talk. Get dressed we are leaving”, he said as a matter-of-factly. Having got spanked and manhandled within only a few hours, she was as docile as can be. Immediately she got up and put on some clothes. As they got out of the house, Nora was at the kitchen when they passed by. Josh was writing in the basement. The house was quiet. Surely, her parents knew they were going to have a talk, and gave them the space.
Jamie led her to his blue, BMW convertible, which was the house’s driveway. He settled into the driver seat and opened the door for her by reaching over to the door to the passenger seat. He was not a traditional gentleman per se, who would open door for his ladies before they sat, but more like a teenager in a grown up body, with his own boyish charm.
“Where’d we going?” she was uncertain what this was about.
“Just somewhere nearby.” He gave her a quick peek with a slight smile. This calmed her. She was worried he might be breaking up with her, but if he was smiling at her maybe things were still alright.
He drove to a park, and parked at a spot beside the sidewalk. “Come on, let’s take a walk!” He unbuckled his seatbelt, and got out. Hannah followed. They found a bench and sat down. It was about 5’o clock in the afternoon. It was still sunny. People were walking their dogs, or watching their kids playing. Various groups of friends were spotted on scattered parts of the park. They started chit chatting a bit, commenting on what was going on in their life lately—Jamie talked a bit about his vibrant gym fitness business; Hanna had nothing but the same old rants about her life that she knew better than to talk about at this moment. She kept it vague and short.
They started out as fuck buddies. Hannah was 20. Jamie was 28. They were fucking many hot people at the time. After fucking each other every now and then for about a year, one night Jamie told her he loved her in the middle of a marathon sex. He was pounding away and choking her. His sweats were dripping all over her body when he was fucking her in the missionary position. She was drenched in her their mixed sweat when she heard “I love you”. Of all the men she hooked up with, very few were so well put together like Jamie. He always brought her to the nicest places, always took her breath away with the hottest sex experience, and he brought her to the coolest people in his network. In Hollywood, most high quality men were already in a relationship, or too old for her. Hot girls were never in shortage. There were always more beautiful girls than quality guys—guys who were attractive to women, and successful at the same time.
“Listen Hannah, um… I just turned thirty this year, and I can see where this is going. If nothing change, I will continue to build the business, put up with women for all their complaints about their look and everything. At some point we will probably make children. And that’s it. We will just grow old from this point on.” He said these words thoughtfully.
From his eyes, Hannah could tell he was watching a mental movie of their future, and this movie did not seem to impress Jamie. “What do you mean?” Hannah was afraid of what he was going to say. Whatever he was planning, she hoped there was a part for her. She never worried too much about losing Jamie before, because a year ago she was still a super hot woman with an up and coming career. Now she had became something of a joke. Very rarely in her life had she experienced a defeat of this magnitude. Everything were usually easy for pretty girls.
Without having something else going for her, she wasn’t sure if she was measuring up to Jamie’s anymore. Tears quickly welled up her eyes.
“Come on. Don’t cry on me baby. It is only fair for me to be honest with you. I still love you very much. I can die for you! But with the way things are going, I really feel like I need a change, a big change!” He spoke faster than usual, and leaned toward Hannah. The tears in her eyes must have made him uncomfortable. “Look, all my life I love women. I will always be a lover of women. I chose this career to help women become the best they could be, but I don’t think I want to keep putting up with their complaints about their bodies anymore. I am burnt out. For us, I just want to tell you that you are one of the hottest girls ever, even in Hollywood, but if this is to work, I need you to be play a new role. ”
These words gave Hannah a strong hope. You want to tell me there is something I can do? I can do anything to keep you! Just tell me what you want! “tell me” she looked at him pleadingly. At this point all her power was lost. She felt extremely vulnerable.
“I have a lot of money now and I have one of the hottest girl as my girlfriend. I should be happy. I always go after what I want. This is who I am. I am intense. I need my woman to support me so I can be the man I want to be” He looked at her intensely. “I love you. But I don’t think I can ever give you all the things you want. You have the body many women would die for, but you still complain about it everyday. I feel like this relationship is becoming just like my work. I can die for you right now, but I can’t live like this. I am only happy when I go out and try to conquer something”
“Jamie please I will change just tell me what you want me to do”, she tried not to cry, but the moment she said those words she couldn’t help but bawling out.
Jamie’s look quickly soften up. In a comforting voice he said, “Damn, you just reminded me what made me love you. You can make men kill for you sweetheart”. “Then tell me” she pleaded.
“I want to live a life of adventures. I need you to either be on board with me and trust that I will always love you as long as you support me, or you can find someone better, I don’t want you to waste your time. It’s only fair for you.” Hannah felt the sincerity in his voice. At this moment she felt even more certain that she only ever wanted to be with him. “I will do whatever it takes. I will prove it!”
“Ok then, let’s try this. I want to introduce you to someone tonight. I want you to not ask question and trust me. Deal?” He pierced through her eyes. She knew not to jeopardize the ground they just gained, so she nodded.

A Fat Awakening Pt 3

She would call him and talk for hours at a time, and each time she found great release after. However, he slowly started to give her less and less of his time. Always delaying calling or texting her back. He would say he was too busy, or he forgot.
She knew what she was doing to Jamie, but she couldn’t help herself. She knew she was too drama queen, too whiny, and too repetitive. Often time she knew Jamie has battles to fight, and is too tired to take any of her bullshit, but she is too addicted to the emotional releases.
Now he finally broke up with her, like he did with his previous girlfriends. She couldn’t afford to lose him, especially when she was in such a low point. Not being able to live her dream was bad, but losing Jamie was unbearable. All of a sudden her world was collapsing all around her. Knowing that all her ties to her dream life would soon be completely cut off, she panicked.
She still had her family, the family she wanted to steer away from.
She cried. She couldn’t hold her tears. Her heart was hurting and her head was overwhelmed with fear that she couldn’t think clearly. She didnt what she had to do—she reached for her mom.
She got out of bed, without fixing her hair or wiping her tears, she just walked right into her mom’s writing room in her pjamas, without knocking. Nora turned around while sitting on her office chair, and immediately she knew something is up. She opened her arms just in time to pull her daughter close by the small of her lower back.
“Jamie is breaking up with me, my life is over!” Hannah wailed. She is behaving like such a child. I have spoiled her too much. Nora, as a mature woman, wasn’t surprised by the turbulent storms of a young girl’s life. She knew her daughter might lose a man like Jamie, not because her daughter doesn’t have the look, but because she is too insecure. You could attract a man with your look, but you couldn’t keep a hot man with just look.The most famous seductresses in history were never the prettiest women of their times, nor were they youngest, but they knew how to play with the imagination of men.
“Honey I know what you can do to win him back. I can’t promise 100%, but would you like to hear it?” She said calmly. Hannah simply cut her off at “100%”, before she finished, “Why!? Why do I have to do it! Guys are douche bags they dump you when you needed them most. He must have someone else. It just suck to be women!”
“No Hannah! Listen there are still so much you can do. You can make a happy life if you change” Again, Nora is being assertive. Hannah wouldn’t let her have it, she felt offended that her mom was pointing the finger at her, the victim of every thing that went wrong in her world. “No!!! I have worked so hard for so long but everything is now over” Hannah’s emotions was shooting through the roof, and what she wanted to do now was to taking it out on her mom. She loved her mom, but right now all her mom represented was someone whom she didn’t want to become, a “fat”, stay at home wife, who was “serving” her husband and rearing children. No glamour. No freedom.
“You just don’t know how bad it is that people see me as hot anymore! They are all laughing at me. No one will ever take me seriously!” Hannah wailed louder as she let her negative thoughts spinning out her control. “Sweetie, looks isn’t the most important thing for a woman, look at me and your aunts. See how much your dad and uncles love us!”
“Shut up I don’t want to hear it anymore! You just want me to be fat like you! I don’t want to be you. I don’t want to be middle age housewife in servitude to a man!” Angers gave Hannah the courage to speak the unspeakable. “Bent over! Hands on the wall. Now!” Nora ordered sternly as she pushed her daughter away from her, stood up, and hands on her waist. Her tone was authoritative, no more “sweetie” or “Honey”. She knew she had to do it. She needed to give her daughter a whooping. Hannah would be a wreck if she kept spoiling her, allowing her to continue with this victim mindset— that everything is to be blamed but “me”!
Hannah was scared. She knew it was coming, but she wasn’t thinking when she said those gut wrenching words to her mom. The last time she was spanked she was 14, when she insisted to eat nothing to keep herself slim. She would never forget that spanking, she was spanked before the entire family, aunts and cousins. Since then, neither her and her sister, Jenna, would dare to go hungry. She thanked her mom for that because she might become one of those anorexic girls if not for this.
“Mom I am 22! I can’t get spanked like that anymore!” She protested, with an evidence of fear in her voice. “Oh no you are, go fetch a leather belt!”
“What!?” Hannah couldn’t believe it. “If you behave like a child you will be treated like a child”
Hannah took half a step back. Now she was getting spanked the situation was worst than she could have imagined. She regretted everything she just did but it was too late. “Do it or I will bend you over the knee myself, and give you extra licks!” Mom said with a stone face. Hannah stared at her for a second, hoping her mom to soften up. However, there was no hint of relent.
She lowered her head and walked to her bedroom to retrieve the belt. Right now she was embarrassed. She couldn’t believe it was happening. For as slow as she could, she still managed to bring back a leather waist belt to her mom’s writing room.
She handed the belt over to mom, hand trembling.
She slowly turned around, placed her palms on the wall, and her upper body leaning forward supporting by both arms. Her body was shaking as if she felt cold. “I want you to count each lick. I will start over if you fail”. Hannah closed her eyes while waiting for the first strike. “Drop your pant! I have to see the mark in case I hurt you too much” “Noooo. Please” she whined.
wuh-PSSSH. There was no warning to the first hit. It followed by another crack, then another. “AHhhhhh! Mommmmmh ok ok I will do it” said Hannah as she clumsily lowered her pant to her ankles, revealing her thong, dividing her tight, bubbly, and round butt cheeks.
“Spread your legs shoulder wide!” She complied quickly this time. “Now count ONE!” Nora demanded.
“Yes mom…” said Hannah with submissive voice as she wept. CRACK “One!!!” CRACK “Two!!” it went on until mom stopped at eight. At this point Hannah was sobbing uncontrollably.
“It had been almost a year since you last worked. How long are you going to stay like this? Every morning you are waking up late, not doing anything. You need to go find a job” Nora said sternly. “We have been patient with you for a while but this has to stop”
“You know how many so called talents in Hollywood still live with parents? They are wasting their life. I want you to find a job. You think I don’t know? You have been surfing the Internet, shopping for clothes, going out to party with our money. You are not being productive at all. Stop trying to be like that girl! For one girl like her millions of others fail and I won’t let you waste your time on this any longer.” she followed this lecture with another lick. “Oucchhh huhuhuh Nine..aarrrrrhhhhaaa” Tears and snots were drooling down from Hannah face. She was a mess.
“How many times had I told you not to whine? only small men would put up with that. The great guys are going to leave you” CRACK. This time the belt landed on her left lower thigh and she jumped up to rub the spot and arched her back. “Get back to the position” and she went on whipping her precious daughter for another nine licks. The whipping was commenced with the spank dance of her daughter, which was ironic, as she got to dance like that girl Evelyn in the MTV.
Nora hurt deeply inside to have to inflict pains on her baby, but she wasn’t doing it out of anger. She knew Hannah needed discipline, as well as an emotional release, a cleansing.
“Turn to me and stand here” Nora sat back on her chair and she pointed at the spot one step before her. Hannah heeded the command and did just that, albeit slow and shaking, arms warping tight around her upper body, pant still at her ankles.
“You know how many actors are slowly killing themselves with drugs? If you can’t handle the pressure, don’t do it.” She carried on as Hannah stood there, sobbing still, eyes on the ground in shame. “Look isn’t everything. Many women with look divorced or grew old without finding love anyway. If this is all you rely on, you will never be happy!”
Nora went on for another half an hour as she told her the importance of hard work, that she needed to pull herself back together, that if she still wanted to act or model she had to take actions, not hiding in her room or partying, and if she found something else, she needed to work hard at it. No more wishful thinking.
Finally, mom seemed to be done. “Can I go now?” Hannah’s eyes was swelling due to excessive crying, and she could barely articulate without a choke. “Go back to your room” said mom, the gentleness of a mother was back to her eyes, as she saw her daughter pulling her pant back on, covering her welt filled butt cheeks, and walking back to her room.
Josh knew what just happened to her daughter. He could hear it all from the ground floor. He didn’t intervene, because he knew that they couldn’t let his daughter go on with her obsession with glamour and look. It had become obvious that the chance of his daughter making it to the big screen as a lead actress has became slim to none, except maybe in a parody.
He wouldn’t have given her a spanking even if it was needed for his daughter to live a happy life. His daughters were his soft spots. They were his darling princesses. He would never be able to lay his hands on them.
Being disrespectful to her mom like that was a big NO NO. Hannah didn’t know that all the older women in this family had suffered self esteem issues too while they were younger. Perhaps this was the price of working for the Hollywood. The men decided that the madness had to stop—by flattening their wives. Maybe it was time for him to tell her daughters the truth, the secret that changed everything for the better in this family.

Hannah quickly washed all the snot and tear off her face. She knew she would see Jamie tonight. It might be the last… she couldn’t afford to let him get the slightest hint of what just happened.
She went to her bed, laid down butt facing up. She had to let her wounds heal. She might not be able to sit THIS WEEK. She squeezed her pillow in between her torso and her bed. This comforted her.
The air smelled fresh to her. It was the familiar smell that came after a good cry, an emotional release. At this moment, she felt clean. It was like something that caused her to all pent up inside was washed away. She didn’t resent her mom. If anything she could have refused to receive such humiliating treatment, but she felt compelled to obey. It just felt right. There was no doubt.
Maybe she felt too overwhelmed by her mom’s tender affection. She needed a strong guiding hand, especially at time like this. She had never felt so lost before. It was too exhausting for her to try to be her own woman all the time.
If only Jamie just tell me what was wrong, like mom always do. I would rather he spanks me than to leave me. Yet, she knew she would never admit this to a man, even if she desperately wanted it deep inside.
If Jamie could understand how much she had been suffering, how much she wanted him to be there for her. She felt anchored with his presence—His cheerful smile, like there was not a care in the world. His chiseled, scruffy jaw, his geek god’s physique, and the sweet, sweat filled aromas from his armpit… she never told him she liked it. She would secretly sniff it from the sources when she found herself in his embrace. She was missing everything about him. She wanted his touch. She wanted his hands slowly brushing her wounded tushy, rubbing her back to sooth her, and warping her with his body. She needed his protection. A few tears dropped to the bed as she fantasized, and she slowly passed out.
Moments later, or maybe hours, she felt a man’s hand stroking her hair. Dad? It barely awoke her. In her dreamy state, she felt this was familiar. “Dad?” everything inside her melt. She wanted to hug her daddy and told her how harsh mom was. She knew mom had every right to discipline her… which was weird as she was a 22 years old woman, but she would never admit to her dad she needed a spanking. Why didn’t he rescue her?
She turned to him and she was shocked by what she saw—Jamie! He was just sitting on the edge of the bed to her right. He torso was turned toward her. Why is he here? Does he know?! She blushed so hard she could feel the swelling of capillaries on her face.
He made that carefree smile again. He looked down on her and kept stroking her hair still. ” I heard someone was being naughty.” said Jamie with a playful, mischievous voice. She missed that voice. He hadn’t talk to her like that for ages. She sat up immediately, and touched his upper left arm. “How long had you been here?” she asked with a child-like curiosity.
Jamie grabbed her hand that was touching him, and pulled her close, in one swift motion she was in his arms. For the last couple months Jamie had been acting cold. She missed this warm gesture. “Hey!” He blurted. She looked up to his eyes, and right away he lowered his head down to kiss her, his tongue aggressively reaching for hers. Hannah felt like a bolt of electricity just shot through her chest. She reciprocated with equal passion. What a thrill! Jamie always knew how to sweep her off her feet, figuratively speaking, if he wanted to.
Jamie broke off the kiss. What now? He pierced into her eyes with his. They were filled with lust. WHAT? here? He swiftly turned her to her back and pressed her back down. “Let me see”. He reached his out to her pant, and pulled it down. It happened so fast that she didn’t even have time to protest. He looked at the purple and red welt marks on her below her lower back and above her lower thighs. The lust in his eyes became even more evidenced. She tilted her head up and turned back to look at Jamie. “What are you doing?” she inquired with an ‘innocent’ voice. When a girl wanted it, yet knew better than to go with it, playing dumb was the favorite form of resistance. She felt a little bit surprised that Jamie wanted to fuck in her parents’ house. However, something about this very thought made it extremely tempting.
Jamie climbed onto the her, both his arms grabbing her arms from each side and his mouth nipping at her neck ferociously from one side to the other. His hip weighted on her wounded bottom. Waves of pleasures instantly broke out from multiple places he touched.
The mental picture of what he was about to do was arousing enough on its own, it was like a male lion mounting on a lioness. Being mounted like an animal aroused her beyond the point of no return. “Pleaseeee!! what if they could hear?”

A Fat Awakening Pt 2

Hannah would put people in awe wherever she goes. Those were the good days. Now every since the infamous MTV “Blurred Lines” got viral, she had sunk so low, to the point of becoming someone’s shadow. Everyone either mistaken her as the now famous model, or compared their look, the luscious lips, gravity defying tits, and tight bodies. Some mean girls even go as far as insinuating her of making herself a lookalike through surgical means.
There is no love. She realizes that no one has ever accepted her for who she really is, except for her loving family, but simply see her as a commodity.
It’s not fair!
Hannah’s mom notices that Emily has been a little depressed lately. This evening, she finally knock on her door, trying to have a mom-daughter talk.
“Honey are you okay?” Nora slightly opens the door.
“Ya mom I am alright” Hannah said it while sitting at her desk, without turning her back from her computer.
“You don’t seem okay lately” Mom is assertive. She won’t let go when it comes to her daughter’s well being. “Just tell me. You can talk to me about it”
“Its really nothing. Just there is so much stuff going on.” she said with a raised pitch.
“What do you mean, are you doing ok with your modeling stuff? is it why you seem upset?”
“it’s fine really” Hannah is quickly running out of patience. How would mom know what to do? She is doing everything she can to not be like her family. She wants to start something new on her own. She wants to make her dream happen.
“I have made some cup cakes downstair, come join me and dad!” She knows her daughter has been a bit of a recluse these days. Knowing how it is with the highs and lows that come with the dream industry, she knew her daughter might not be able to handle the pressure on her own.
She knows her daughter. Hannah stresses out easily. Deep down she thinks her daughter might be better off doing something less stressful, like a regular 9 to 5 job, or better, a writer like herself and her husband. She knew Hannah has what it takes to be very successful at it. The family has thought about moving out of California when Hannah was just 14, to give their children a quiet, suburban life, but Hannah and her sister Nina would not have it. They love Hollywood.
She has been through this stage herself as she used to be a “stereotypical” stunner too, until she and her sisters made that pledge some years ago… but Hannah can be extreme when it comes to look. It hurts to see her daughter tortures herself about her self image. Ever since the start of puberty, Hannah often started the morning crying, complaining about a pimple, or a pound or two of extra weight. Many girls do that, but for her oldest daughter it seems to be all consuming. It was only the vigilant support of the family that keeps Hannah from getting plastic surgery, or other crazy things like a full scale water fast.
“Mom I told you many times I don’t want you to tempt me with all these foods. I have a career goal!!” Hannah could barely hold herself from yelling as she turns her head toward mom, whose head poked in through the door gap. “Damn it, its not like I will make it anyway” said Hannah as she tears up, and in a moment she quickly starts weeping.
“What’s the matter honey?” Nora asks in a tone of concert as she walk into the room and give her daughter an enveloping hug from the side, and kiss the top of her head like she is still her baby. It takes Hannah a few second to muster her voice as she collects herself in mom’s arms, “I will never be a model! or actress. I look like her too much” She said chokingly “No one is giving me any job”
Nora knows who “her” is. “We can talk to Mr. Davis to find out what we can do!” she said with a soothing voice. Mr. Davis is a successful agent in Hollywood.
As a seasoned screen writer, deep down Nora knows it is true that her daughter’s career is as good as done. Not even Mr. Davis can save it. No one will take a lookalike seriously in this industry. She is just comforting her to buy time. “Sweetheart, See the big picture. There must be something… some new angle you can work on. There is always a way. Its ridiculous how people deny you for stupid reason like this. Its all superficial. I know. But if you have true talents, you will shine through one day, just work hard”
“but by that time my look would be gone. It would only last a few years” She weeps harder as she foreseeing this gloom future awaiting her. She is already 22! In a few years, she will reach 30. By that time she will never be a top actress, or model like she always wanted to be.
Seeing her daughter weeping is so hard, she regrets not taking matter in their own hands and bring her children out of this cursed Hollywood city when they were still little. She should have known better—for every one star, there are tens of thousands of competitors who won’t make it.
Besides, Nora has seen it all. Many young models and actresses wannabe keep themselves slim by taking drugs. Years would pass. Most of them still don’t make it by 30s, and they would try to prolong their look with surgeries, which often only make them look worst. Even those who made it would soon lose their look too.
There are just too much pressures, no wonder so many of them are on drugs. This is certainly a path she doesn’t want her daughter to repeat.
“Honey, this might be a good opportunity. Do you want to be successful based on look? Or your own effort? Everything happens for a reason. You will be able to come up higher because of this” Nora is a loving mom, but she never hesitates when it comes to pushing her kids toward of what she think is right.
Hannah is already balling her eyes out at this point, “but life is so hard for girls who are not hot!” these words would be piercing for most women to hear, but as her mom, Nora forgives all. “Baby, you know I used to be “stunner” as well?” She said in a motherly, soothing voice.
“yeah, I know” she blurted, as she lean on her mom’s blossom. Hannah would never admit it, but it feels so good when her mom hugs her like that.
“but this narrow definition of stunner is what society want us to believe. Normal women will never look like what those magazines are showing you. Real women are beautiful too”
“You see, mommy found her passion years ago, and decided that there was no shame for her own body. A woman deserves to be valued by her work, not her look, just like how it is for men” She uses third person tense whenever Hannah behaves like a spoiled little girl, and she continues, “besides, who says real women don’t look beautiful? I chose to ‘lose’ my old look because it freed me from the mental prison that society imposed upon us women. I became so much happier. Your dad loves me just the same.” She chuckled. “Actually much more hehe…” She smiles like she has a secret to hide. The is a hint of kink behind that smile.
These words are planted in Hannah’s mind like seeds. Before she knew it, they are taking root and eventually topples her world upside down.

Next morning. Hannah was still asleep. Her hair spreading around her head and pillow. Such innocent look, not a care of the world, a sleeping beauty indeed. Men would love to ravish her at this alluring scene.
Her phone was beeping. Who was this? Hannah had been waking up so late these days because of her me-times addictions. Her girlfriends usually won’t call her this early in the morning. She reluctantly turned to her left, and reached her hand out of her bed sheet, to grab her phone on the wooden night stand.
When she saw on her call display that it was Jamie, her heart skipped a beat. Could this be her boyfriend was missing her? finally? She felt a small burst of hopeful joy. “hello?” She answered.
There was a moment of silent before he spoke. “umm…Look Hannah, can we meet tonight?” said Jamie. While his voice was affectionate, it sounds a bit concerned and serious, it sounded like he had a bad news to tell and at the same time trying to protect her feeling. He is breaking up with me! In that moment she felt a shot of cold chill piercing through her heart.
“What is it? Tell me!” She must have sounded desperate, which was exactly the emotion she didn’t want to show him at this crucial moment. She might still save it if she just stop acting needy and put on an air like she always does with most men who chase her.
“I will tell you about it tonight.” He said with with reluctance, like he is embarrassed by the conversation, “Don’t! tell me now!”, she demands it, and quickly regrets it after. She knew Jamie was a proud man. When he trained her in his gym, he was very commanding, never gave in to pleads, or any non-sense. He was always patient with trainees and girlfriends, but he would walk away, by becoming dismissive, or literally walk away, if people tried to push the envelope, herself included.
He used to be listening and empathetic with her rants and drama.

A Fat Awakening (Feederism Lesbian)

Hannah has struggled with her weight most of her young life. She is always paranoid about gaining weight. She would step on her scale dozens of times a day. She is only 22 but hopes to stay in top shape until her 50s… How is she going to keep a hot guy if she gets fat? All married women in her family have already gotten out of shape. They all looked beautiful and slim when they were younger, but once they hit 30s, they gained much more weight.
They are married with kids, which explains why they just let themselves go, and they just seem so… happy having done so. Many women do let go once they get married, especially in this country.
Her family is loving, hard working, and supportive of Hannah. Her mom always put her daughters first, then the rest of her family, before herself. There is no sign of dwindling love between her parents either. If anything, their connection gets stronger over the years, to the point where dad would frequently express public affection to mom. Hannah would pretend to have goose bumps, and act like shaking from cold, whenever her parents act too lovey dovey. Deep down she envies them, secretly longing for such unconditional love… then maybe one day she can just be herself, like her mom.
Mom is not an unattractive woman. Middle aged, 5’5” tall, weighing at 260 lbs, she looks voluptuous, rather than voluminous. There is no hint of lumpiness on her. Her skin is unblemished and smooth, traits she passes to her daughters. In certain months of the year, her mom might get too deep into her work and gain more weight, but she would always go back to her regular shape. When she finds time off from her busy schedule of taking care of everyone in the family and her work, she takes care of herself.
Hannah has been very active and ambitious since a young age, acting, gymnastic, ballet, fitness… Her parents made sure she had everything she wanted… as long as she was willing to put in the hard work to earn it. They never gave her any undue pressure to be somebody, as they themselves are very easy going, and generally relaxed, even though they have been top writers in Hollywood.
She had a fair chance to make something big for herself. Many people tell her she looks like the rising superstar model, Evelyn Raczkowski, with an equally ravishing body, which is a blessing and a curse, because this only adds to her tremendous, self imposed stress. Beside, she hates to be somebody’s shadow. Why does she have to look like Evelyn, and not the other way around? All she did was selling out, flaunting her tits around on MTV, and supplicating to men!

Turning Classy Women into Horny Queen Bee

I wanted to become a full time womenizer but women don’t always have the money to pay me, so what is a man in my situation to do?

First I seduced inexperienced young women, giving them many first time experiences, such as BJ in public washroom, quickies in rooftop, back alley, and ran naked in parks at night.

Soon they could’t forget me because those experiences would be unmatched by her next boyfriends for years to come. That was if they were to move on for the next guy to begin with.

Then I trained her to seduce beta, sexless men who were eager to please women. Normally, my women wouldn’t like those guys. They turned her pussy dry.

But she got me.

Now she need some worshippers to pay for her.

We arranged for her to live with a few submissive men like roommates- just them and her.

She was to be their mistress. They obeyed her, or no sex.

It was a dominatrix and submissive men situation.

Most days she ordered them to masturbate till dry, sucking out their last drop of masculinity, and rewarded them with sex occassionally.

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