The incessant chirping of the crickets was deafening. Each and every sound emanating from the dark groves in the vast forest were audible to her ears. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster with every step she took. The canopy of broad leaves and vines made the forest pitch black forcing her to grope her way with her arms outstretched in front of her. Weird sounds from all corners could be heard as the creatures of the night made their noises as usual. Suddenly, a loud cracking noise from under her feet echoed through the myriad of trees in the forest when she stepped on a dry branch on the ground. Monkeys overhead broke into frenzy and started chattering loudly at the intruder inviting more and more chattering noises all around her. Fear overcame her and she dashed off blindly through the trees trying to find a way out of the maze of tree trunks. The sounds seemed to follow her and she ran even faster, her feet barely touching the ground. Her heart beat faster as she dodged long hanging vines and jumped over thorn bushes which caught her dress and shredded it to bits. Yet she didn’t stop; she had to get out of this scary place at any cost.

[MF/fmm] Living his dream.

Okonkwo sat uneasily on the firm seat looking out the window as clouds passed by. The humming of the jet engines helped him recollect his thoughts as he flew 30,000 feet over the Atlantic to his home country of Nigeria for Christmas celebrations with his family. He was nervous as it had been almost five years since he was in Africa as he had moved to the U.S for his tertiary studies. Thoughts passed through his mind as his anxiety grew by the second. He wondered how he would fit in after so many years and being an introvert himself, it was really important for him to blend in with other people. His shy nature hindered him from getting any serious sexual liaisons with women and only a few personal adventures stuck in his head; he needed sex, now. As the plane touched down, he took out his phone and dialed a number. It was his friend O.J who was receiving him at the airport, and he had big plans for the night.

My American Wife and her daughters – Part One

He thrusted himself deep inside her, feeling how wet she was. He paused for a second, before beginning to rhythmically thrust himself in and out again and at a faster momentum.

‘Harder!’ She yelled.

And Simba fucked her harder.


And once again Simba followed his orders.

He quickened his pace and zoned out into planets of pleasure he had never reached before. After a while, he drew back and turned her on her stomach. He parted her ass and penetrated her wet pussy once more. She shrieked with unfathomable pleasure. This man was so good. Sliding his hands beneath her, he tugged at her breasts, he fucked her and he fucked her hard. He went on at it for longer than Marie had ever experienced with any other man and for once she was happy that there were men who could last long without ejaculating.

Simba had always known to let a woman cum first. He had to be a gentleman in and out of the bedroom. It was always women first. That was the principle with which his mother had raised him with. And he forever remembered her with it even long after she had died of cancer.