On the Poolside [FM][anal]

    Allison pulled her shirt up. It caught for just a moment on her breasts, then came off. She tossed on the deck next to her towel. She hooked her fingers inside the waistband of her jean shorts and pulled them down, laying them next to her shirt. She straightened the straps on her swimsuit and walked towards the pool.


    “Water’s cold,” Sam said. She looked out at him in the pool, droplets of water resting on his chest muscles. She dipped her toes in the water and confirmed that the water was cold. “Best if you just do a cannonball,” Sam said, looking at her. She felt exposed in her one-piece and was glad she’d decided not to wear the bikini.


    “All right,” Allison said. She walked to the other end of the pool where the water was deeper. She’d never dated anybody with a private pool before, and it was a strange experience. Sam hadn’t tried to hide his wealth, but this was most he’d ever flaunted it. She jumped and brought her knees to her chest, her blonde hair flying into the air behind her, and then landed in the water, a wave of cold spreading over her, almost immediately soaking through her swimsuit. She surfaced and pushed her hair out of her face. “It’s not that bad,” she said. Sam waded his way towards her, the water slowly getting deeper.

Making Her Boyfriend Jealous [ff]

The bar was filled, and Ann was just about to leave. She’d gotten tired of sitting there, and besides, everybody was getting loud. She’d never really been one to get drunk, and she didn’t see the appeal. Just as she was going to wave to the bartender and ask for the bill, someone tapped on her shoulder.

“Hey, this may sound weird, but will you kiss me?”

“I’m just leaving,” Ann replied.

“No worries, I don’t want anything to last. I just need to make my boyfriend jealous.” Ann turned on her barstool and saw a cute woman standing behind her. She was a brunette in her mid\\\-20s, Ann thought.

“I’m straight,” Ann replied.

“Damn it,” the woman replied. “Here, at least let me buy you a drink?” She took a seat next to Ann. “I’m Mary, by the way.”

“Ann,” Ann said, shaking her hand.

“Yo!” Mary called out. “A beer for the lady.”

“I don’t want to get drunk.”

“Don’t worry,” Mary said. “I don’t, either. I like to remember my good times.”

“We’re not gonna have any good times,” Ann said.