First Time Author

*So I wrote this story. I can’t really say what inspired me to write it. I’ve never been into this kind of thing before but I just had the idea one day and it sat in the back of my head until I wrote it out. I know almost nothing of the erotica genre and even less about this particular sub genre. I welcome constructive criticism but please be gentle. I sincerely hope someone is able to derive some kind of enjoyment from it.*

A small column of smoke rose from the car sized crater as the man approached it. The crash of whatever had created it had woken him from a deep sleep. It was less than a two minute walk from his house, the only house for several miles. It was likely that no one had heard or seen the object as it crashed to Earth.

Slowly his eyes crested the edge of the crater and he peered into it. A large boulder lay split open in the bottom of the crater, smoldering on the outside and seemingly hollow on the inside. The inside of the two halves appeared glossy, as if covered in some kind of film.