Through the Window (MF; voyeurism; tattoos)

**August 1**

All moved in, rooms set up, and we’re finally able to get into a routine at home. Nice place, private place – haven’t met anyone but the super, who told us that the eccentric layout of the suites was a selling point to the ‘vintage loving hipsters’ that kept moving in here. Sure pal, whatever you say. Really nice apartment, though – huge window looking into the courtyard out of my office/the guest bedroom, almost floor to ceiling. It’s an old building (a former school?) and I can only see a few other apartments across the way, so some natural privacy. Cool. Good light coming in this room – I could probably sun tan in my office if I wanted to lol.

**August 3**

Wife’s left for work, might be a double shift at the bar. She looked so good when she left – tight black dress over her pink undies. She knew the horny drunks at the bar loved catching a flash of pink lace as she bent over, so she played it up for tips. I’m the lucky man who gets to benefit from her extensive lingerie collection, and her ‘fashion shows’ as she’s getting ready to go.

Gavelstock Manor

Their caravan had split from the main highway 45 minutes ago, and each new road had less pavement and more rocks. They had slowed to a crawl, but were still making good time – they’d make it to the rental before the sun was down, and would be able to enjoy a swim at the lake. Xtel was in the back of a six seater van with a man she didn’t really know other than it was, in fact, his rental, asleep in the corner hugging his duffel bag having come straight from a ‘night shoot’. Driving was their mutual friend Dexter, who was gabbing up a storm with Becky in shotgun.

Watching with side eyed pride, Xtel watched her girl spend the four hour trip feeling out Dexter the way a lioness stalked it’s prey – it was her M.O. Becky and Xtel were best friends since they dormed together in college, roommates for 4 more after that, and sworn-to-secrecy partners in exploring each other in the bicurious phase. She knew ALL her tricks. Their love was deep and intimate but beyond that now, so there was no jealousy in watching Becky use her words to savor the man driving her. Enthusiastically, she found out about Dexter’s connections with the man in the back seat and how he was able to score an impossibly balling lakeside ‘rental’…as well as if he was single, physical, friendly, and hot-to-trot.