Beyond Trust Falls — [Asian] [Interracial] [Age Gap]

“We’re here because the two of you seem unable to work together.”

A deafening silence fell over the plain and windowless meeting room. Barely large enough for three people, these small “chat chambers” were the new hotness of the startup world. White walls partially covered by drab gray bulletin boards, a small U-shaped table in the center of the room, and a small TV screen for Zoom calls were standard fare for the cramped, confined cubicles that somehow replaced real conference rooms.

Lacking character, distinction, windows, or breathing room, they were already uncomfortable enough without a meeting from HR.

On one side of the U sat Liming, a short and slender Chinese woman well begun on her journey into middle age. Her tight blue jeans and slim black top adhered tightly to her body, presenting her B-cup breasts and thin ass to a world that might appreciate them more if she were 20 years younger.

Sitting opposite was 24-year-old Lamar, a muscular African-American man who had been recently brought onboard to inject some “new blood” into an aging department of forty-somethings. While his loose jeans concealed the tonality of his legs, his short-sleeved navy-blue T-shirt exposed biceps seemingly thicker than Liming’s head. He dwarfed Liming in stature if not in seniority.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Mindfuck Ch. 05 — [Asian] [Cheating] [MFF] [Magic] [Horror] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

“Selena I swear — I fucking swear — I’ve never thought about your sister in that way.”

Ed sat awkwardly in a small, cramped wooden chair next to the television, finally silenced after its earlier, war-shattering blare. A deceptive calm settled over the room as the sunset spilled into the room, covering the walls and furniture in a warm orange hue.

Ed might have found the ambiance calming if not for the immense abyss swallowing his insides whole.

Across from Ed sat Lina and Selena, each sitting at the foot of their own queen-sized bed, each staring deep into Ed’s soul.

The sound of Selena’s effusive voice bounced off of Ed’s ears like rubber. She was talking but he could no longer hear her. His eyes were still transfixed on the pregnancy test waving in Selena’s hands and the two solid lines that suggested the unthinkable.

A deafening silence roused Ed back to reality. Lina and Selena tilted their heads forward, intently waiting for him to speak.

Mindfuck Ch. 04 — [Asian] [Cheating] [Magic] [Horror] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

“You fucking bastard!”

At the sound of Selena’s distressed wail, all the guests coming and going through the crowded hotel lobby suddenly paused. The establishment, located in the center of one of Los Angeles’ busiest business districts, was a hub fob for domestic and international lawyers, entrepreneurs, and other wealthy individuals looking to turn a greater profit in the city of angels. The marble floors and polished wood fixtures gave the place a dignified, professional, wealthy ambiance.

Not the kind of place one expected to witness a lover’s spat.

Ed and Selena stood face to face in the center of the grand lobby, ignorant to the disparate huddles of tourists and visitors who had gathered round to investigate the commotion. Selena had just landed, returned from her long trip to visit her family in China, and cryptically requested Ed meet her at the hotel, not at her own place.

Selena’s furious exasperated breathing, her flushed cheeks, and her arched brows were as terrifying as they were confusing. Ed opened his mouth to speak, only to be swiftly silenced by the sting of Selena’s palm against his cheek.

Mindfuck Ch. 03 — [Asian] [Magic] [Cheating] [Horror]

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

It was all falling apart.

Ed had never been particularly enthusiastic about his lot in life. Sure, he was happy to be born American, to have a good education, and have a sweet, smart, pretty Chinese girlfriend who filled out a pair of pants in all the right places, but when he lay awake at night, a rough scratching at the back of his head reminded him that despite all of his good fortune, he was still just average.

Not a billionaire. Not a celebrity. Not a superhero. Not anyone whose name would be uttered or even remembered in a hundred years time. Just plain old average Ed.

Now, Ed would give anything to go back to being average.

He had been offered the superpower of every man’s dreams, the “Essence of Male Desire.” With a single thought he could project his manhood over great distances. Any woman. Any place. Any time. Any hole. Fucking his girlfriend Selena simultaneously in her ass and vagina using The Power had been the high point of Ed’s sex life. Ed had been on top of the world.

That is, until the incident at the restaurant two weeks back.

Fuck The Author! — [Asian] [Cuckold] [Cheating] [FMF]

Fuck The Author! When Hotwives Don’t Do Their Due Diligence

It’s all about the minor details.

When you’re writing a story, the minor, seemingly unimportant details are what elevates a good story above the milquetoast morass of mediocrity. If you say “her breasts are big,” you’re practically hitting your reader on the head with your point. Just like I am now. But when you explore those finer details, the ones that get lost in translation from daydream to page, that’s when the story begins to take flight. “Her ample bosom strained against a shirt that must’ve been one size too small, stretching the fabric into three horizontal streaks.” Isn’t that better?

The minor details are also the ones that can end up sandbagging you. If your character’s significant other is a husband in one paragraph and a boyfriend in the next, your readers will ask the pertinent question: Why the fuck should I pay attention to your story if you didn’t? You only have to fuck up once, be inconsistent or wrong once, and the fanciful illusion of your wonderfully woven story deconstructs before the readers eyes.

Sometimes it’s the details that fuck you.