Star Trek Sonic Shower Sex

I write smutty Star Trek fanfiction, and a while ago I wondered how shower sex would work in the 24th Century where they have ‘sonic showers’ which use sound waves rather than water. What’s the equivalent of aiming a showerhead somewhere sensitive, are they so efficient they clean up getting wet so no one’s lubed up anymore, that kind of thing.

Here’s the link to what I came up with if anyone’s interested: [](

(Also I’m fairly new to posting stuff, so any feedback on my writing at all would be appreciated.)

Categorized as Erotica

Advice please – erotica thesaurus??

So I’ve recently been getting into writing erotic SI fanfiction, but one thing that annoys me when writing is using the same words or names for body parts too often, or in the wrong context, and wondered if there are any decent erotic specific or oriented thesauruses (thesauri?) online that would help with this?

Thanks in advance

Categorized as Erotica