Road Closure [MF]

“I have been sitting in standstill traffic for over 20 min” I text Sir. Impatient, hungry, horny and ready to be home in his arms I’ve watched as they shut down the road for the accident and I’ve had to accept my fate. I’m stuck for who knows how long.

“Well I’ll guess you have to find a way to entertain yourself 😉”

I roll my eyes at his message. “Yea right” I say out loud as I flip through the radio stations, there is nothing but static. This area is awful for signal. The cars around me all have their engines shut off. We’re sitting waiting in the quiet of the evening you can only hear the dull roar of the firetruck in the distance.

“I want you to slide your hand down your pants. Are you wet for me?” I read the message and pause, is he serious. Apparently I take to long to answer because the phone starts to ring.

“Hello?” I say connecting the phone to the radio.

Categorized as Erotica

1 AM [D/s] [MF]

The heavy fog of sleep keeps me from opening my eyes right away as I try to put my finger on what it was that woke me. I feel the heat of Sir’s body pressed against mine and push back against the length of him as his fingers part my lower lips and slide slowly into me. My eyes peek open and it is still dark in the room, the soft glow of the clock tells me it is 1am. Sir must have just gotten home. 

A soft moan escapes my lips and I grind myself back onto Sir again, the hard girth of his arousal pinned between our bodies, only adding to the growing fire his fingers ignited within me. “Sorry I woke you Lady, I tried to let you sleep but I just couldn’t help myself” he growls in my ear, his low voice sending goosebumps across my neck and down my arms. His hand still in my pajama bottoms he continues to slowly, teasingly slide his fingers in and out of my hot wetness as I push back against his body begging him for more. He lets out a low chuckle at my eagerness, even in my half asleep state and shifts so I roll onto my back next to him. Looking up into his eyes as he looms above me I smile. “It’s okay that you woke me, Sir. Please.” I let out a sigh as he finds my sensitive bud between my legs and starts to rub slowly building my pleasure. 

RV Shopping with Sir Pt 1. MF

I feel Sir tighten and finish deep in my pussy, we are running late but he wanted me and how could I possibly say no? I smile as I stand and head to the bathroom to clean up. “No. Leave it” Sir says as he bends to pick up the light gray leggings laying on the floor “put these on. We’re late now and need to go.” I take them from him and watch his back as he heads to the bathroom to dress and clean up. 

So I have to go to the dealership like this but he gets to clean up? My bratty side is coming out today. I don’t like being late and now in these leggings as I pull them up I can feel the crotch soaking with our cum as it runs out of my used pussy. 

“Are you ready?” Sir asks as he comes back into the room “I want everyone one to know you’re mine today” he says as he steps forward and grabs me by the crotch pushing my leggings further into the wetness there.Â