The Experience. Part 3. (Fantasy, Willing, Consensual Control)

I listen to her silent command and start to take off my top as she comes over putting her hand out she takes it from me after I pull it off over my head.

“Omg you are taking entirely too long…I get this is clearly your first time but hustle. Here.” She seemed to have softened a bit as she said that but then she was reaching for me and before I knew it she was undoing the button on my jeans and pulling my zipper down and then she started yanking my pants down. They fell to the floor and I stepped out of them just in time for her small fingers to wrap around my panties pulling them off. Before I knew it I was completely naked.

Naked and feeling exposed I stood there while she piled my clothing and shoes into a bag and then she moved to the pile of fresh clothing.

Wait the mirrors. I stood there fully nude and remembered those mirrors. “Can people see me now?” I nervously ask her.

The Experience. Part 2. (Fantasy, Willing, Consensual Control)

The handle turned abruptly in my hand just as I took hold of it.

Open it swung with such speed and such presence, almost as if it were saying to me, you can do this.

Ok you CAN do this……omg no I can’t.

I froze.

I just stood there trying to adjust to the difference in the dimly lit room from the stark white and bright hall. I blinked a few times but before I could see much a figure appeared suddenly from behind the door, “Umm hello? Are you coming in? Hurry up, we only have a few minutes before he is here!” This must be my handler….they had said I would have a handler in the interview. My guide apparently through all of this unknown…well either a guide or someone to keep me in line it seems more like it by her almost harsh tone.

Ok I’ve got this….1,2,3, annnnd


Before I could think anything else I stepped over the threshold and the door boomed authoritatively as it closed behind me, then a thick thud was heard as the lock automatically went into place.

My second ever attempt at writing like this. I am really liking it so far. Thank you all for the support!! “The experience” Part one. (Fantasy, Willing, Consensual Control)

Standing there processed application in hand, I waited.

There were so many girls in the waiting room sitting in chairs and standing along the wall. As I glanced about I saw some looking comfortable as though they had done this a thousand times, and others showing signs of nervousness ranging from mild to severe. Some legs were crossed and feet tapping, hangs were wringing. I saw lip biting and some eyes focused into their laps not daring to look up, while others darting about the room looking around hoping they were not alone in the way they were feeling.

I felt excited but also unsure about what I was doing.

What am I doing?

This was all so new for me and I didn’t think I would make it this far.

I saw the post a while ago on Instagram…. “Looking for models for print and film, message with your photo and contact details.” The post had said along with a photo of a stunning girl.

That was step one, the message.

Step two was the phone call interview.

Step three the in person interview .

“Polaroid instructions.” My first try at writing like this. Mild content (M/F, Consensual mild control/Dominance, Exhibitionist)

Walking together in the fall air I hear the soft rattle of a vintage Polaroid camera dangling from a strap on your wrist as it bounces off of the side of your jeans.

The weather is perfect and the landscape is breathtakingly beautiful.

Our plan was to get some photos of the season changing, the leaves turning, the cooler almost dreary haze that blankets everything.

I had perfectly picked out what I wanted you to see me in for our walk. I had been shopping and had a brand new outfit that you had never seen.

The white body suit shirt perfectly hugged my frame with the neckline dipping so very low exposing my deep cleavage. I thought about wearing a bra with it but I left it off…I wanted you to notice my nipples through the soft material. I wanted you to notice them as the coolness of the fall air and the slight breeze made them tighten and poke right through so you cannot help but see them on the outside.

I wanted you to look at me.

I added a new black tiny skirt with suspenders and bands around my waist and ribs.