my Owner challenged me to post this for a reward

This is the first “story” I’ve written, and it happened a few weeks ago. He says i would make a good erotica writer, even if I just tell about our sex life. Tell me what you think.

i was starving, but He made me eat spaghetti for dinner. “All good Littles eat their dinner before they get dessert”, He said. i looked Him in the eyes, opened my mouth wide, and slowly took a larger bite of my food than practical, purposely leaving a bit of noodle draped over my lip before i slowly tongued it back inside. The look He gave me is one with which i’m all too familiar. i love it and hate it all at the same time: one eyebrow raised, His thick lips pursed, piercing blue eyes telling me to behave without Him even saying a word. Sometimes being a brat is worth it. The delicious glare i received from Him as a result of my bratting: worth it. The forgotten effect of said glare: tantalizing. i felt my heart speed up. my vision blurred. i felt floaty and breathless, and i became slowly aware that i could now feel a wet spot on the inside of my pajama pants. When is He ever going to give me what i want?