The Austin Pool Party End(?)

It was totally dark by now. An older white haired lady, named Sally, (about 60 yo) stood up to get everyone’s attention!! She announced that it was time to play “Texas Lady’s Light Out ”! I had know idea but when everyone applauded I got excited!! In a moment, everyone was scurrying about collecting floats, cushions, towels, anything to make a huge palate on the patio! Furniture and things were pushed back and all the ladies began to collect on the palate and find a place to sit. The actress and Mary grabbed me by the hand and said “Come on, yiull love this!”

The Austin Pool Party pt2

I couldn’t help but have butterflies in my stomach as we approached the front and rang the bell. When the door opened there was a cute little girl about 5’1” with the same flaming red hair as Helen. It was their daughter Mary. She was totally naked. We assumed that she must be “of age”. She greeted us and invited us in and showed us where to change and gave us bags for our clothes. After we were naked Mary led us through the house to the pool area!! It was a beautiful, large negative edge. Around the pool were literally dozens of attractive couples all naked! Many were athletes and even some celebrities. We were dumbfounded!! We spotted our host across the way and made our way to say hello. Tom and Helen’s faces lit up when they saw us approaching. They hugged us both and began to introduce us to their friends and clients. One of the guest couples didn’t need and introduction, it was our pastor and his wife!! He was at least 6’7” and very slender. His wife was about 5’9” and was a pretty brunette with a short haircut! She had shaved her pussy and had a pierced ring in her labia!! It was the first one that I’d ever seen and it was on our Pastor’s wife!!! They recognized us immediately from church!! He stood up and put his arm around me as we talked. His wife noticed that we didn’t have any drinks yet and asked Mary to get whatever we’d like! As we stood there with his arm around my shoulders he pulled me close and I noticed that his cock had begun to twitch and grow!! As I looked around there were already couples engaged in oral sex and even a few fucking openly!! It was enough to make my head spin! The pastor’s cock continued to grow until it was fully erect. Because of the difference in our height his cock was practically in my face. Jim was sitting with Tom & Helen about 15 feet away. I couldn’t hear the conversation but Helen sat and reclined back on a chaise and I watched Jim go down on her red pussy. The pastor looked down at me and asked if I liked oral sexual. I couldn’t help but blush when I nodded yes! So he laid me back onto a chaise and to my surprise told his wife to eat my pussy! She eagerly went down on my open thighs and began sucking and licking my clit. If it wasn’t surreal enough he knelt beside me and offered his cock to my mouth! I eagerly took his huge cock in my mouth. I was enjoying the attention of his wife so much it was hard for me to concentrate on his cock. Suddenly I noticed that I was attracting a small crowd of men around the the head of my chaise! There were no less than 5 men stroking their cocks around my head!! As I started to cum and my eyes rolled back in my head, I felt a splash of semen on my face and breast! Then another! I looked over at the pastor just in time for him to cum so I covered his cock with my mouth. I continued to feel splashes of semen covering my face, cheeks and breast! I had taken a half dozen loads of cum from these men I’d never met before. I was a total mess!! I had never heard of bukkake before but that is what just happened!! When Jim had finished with Helen’s pussy he turned to find me and was blown away and what he’d missed!! Tom insisted that Mary take me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Little Mary lead me through the house to her bedroom and her walk-in shower. She confessed that watching me being covered with cum was the hottest thing she’d ever seen! As I stepped into the shower, she asked if she could join me in the shower. I thought of nothing I’d like more!! She step into the shower with me. We embraced and she kissed me tasting semen being washed from from my face. I felt her fingers probe my vagina and I kissed her young nipples. We grabbed each other’s butt and pulled each other in against us. I wanted her young red bush and her pink pussy! Still wet we crashed into her bed and I hungrily began eating her young cunt! Mary had the pinkest, juiciest pussy I’d ever seen! Her asshole was pink and puckered. I bathed her from her asshole to her clit and back again!! Mary was grabbing my hair and pulling my face into her pussy. She was cumming ! Her pussy would twitch and pulse against my tongue!! It was so hot!! Once finished we lay and recovered before we rejoined the party.

The Austin Pool Party pt1

The year was 1989. Jim and I had been married 5 years. We had recently moved from Baton Rouge to Austin, Texas. Austin was still a young growing city and just a fraction of what it is today! We were in a new city and anonymous. Everything was new and fun. The highland lakes and the Texas Hill Country was still mostly untouched. We heard if a state park Knick named “Hippy Hollow”. Aptly named because it was a legal nudist park!! Jim tried for weeks to talk me into trying it out! After some convincing but I relented because there would be no one there that could possibly know us or recognize us!

Dinner with Mike & Carol part2

We all had to recover now. We cleaned up and all naked went back to the kitchen for a dessert that Mike had prepared! It was Creme brûlée and it was amazing!! We all laughed at the church evenings turn of events. They confided that Linda’s and I had been the source of a lot of pillow talk and fantasies. We had. I idea that they enjoyed the type of sex lifestyle like we did!! It turns out though that Linda’s pussy was her first taste of another girl’s pussy that night!!! And she wanted more.

Dinner with Mike & Carol

Mike and Carol were great friends of ours in our last year in med school. They were both from California and college swimmers. They were both Olympic caliber athletes. In fact Carol had several relatives on the US swim team. They were both tall! Mike was 6’4” and Carol was 5’11”! They both had beautiful swimmers bodies. They had been married in June at the beginning of our last year. We were married in December and they were in our wedding.

Carol was the daughter of a very successful doctor. He saw to it that she always had the best wardrobe, electronics, furniture. Whereas our place was more like leftovers from a garage sale. Carol invited us over for dinner and a movie. They actually had a VCR!! In 1985 no one had a VCR!! It possible, you could rent one for a night with a huge deposite!

Mike was a fantastic cook and had prepared a wonderful dinner for the 4 of us. They provided ample wine too. After dinner and dishes were done, Mike asked if we’d like to watch their favorite movie!! We said sure and we all went to sit on the sofa. Mike insisted that we take a picture before they started the movie. That’s when the photo was made!

The Haircut

I grew up on a farm in the south with my younger brother, mom and dadI’m 65 yo now so I grew up in an era of innocence in the 1950’s and 60’s. The sexual revolution of course happened in the 70’s. Thank you very much! I like to feel I contributed my share to it!
It was standard that mom would give the guys haircuts on Saturday mornings every 2 weeks. Dad would get his first and be out the door for chores on the farm and would sometimes not be back until long after lunch.
I would usually be next followed by my younger brother. But this particular weekend my brother had spent the weekend with friends at the lake.
Mom always wore a red nightie for my dad. It wasn’t sheer per se but when backlit by the morning sun, it left nothing to the imagination. Mom was an attractive woman of 41 and had the same measurements as Marylyn Monroe. (Yes my dad was blessed!). You could plainly see in the right light her full Auburn bush and her 36c breast standing perkily under the flimsy material. It was torture for a 18 yo boy with hormones ranging.
So dad got his haircut first and was gone. So it was my turn next. It was only about 7 am and I knew that dad had the early morning farm chores because I was getting my haircut. So I was sleeping in until it was my turn. I heard the door shut as he left the house. I knew mom would be there to roust me out bed soon. I dreaded it because the bed was warm and I had a glorious hard on.
But she was at my door. So I pulled myself out of bed and staggered to the kitchen to the barstool. It took mom forever to cut hair. Through sleepy eyes, I could see her tits swaying in my face as she maneuver around me cutting a little hear and a little there. It just made my cock strain that much more under my shorts.
Mom was known for being pretty straight laced. Married at 17 always a farm housewife and Sunday school teacher defined her. But she was also known as teaser and could always have a witty quip.
This morning was different from all the others. She sarcastically asked if I needed a “trim down there”? It took me off guard and made me blush with embarrassment. But she pressed again and asked if it was thick? I replied, “I don’t know, I need a second opinion.” She said, “We’ll let’s take a look!”
Now I was shocked!! But in an attempt to match and raise her and turn the tables on her shock, I stood up and dropped my shorts revealing a straining hard on!!
Just as quick, she cooed, “Ooo nice! It’s bigger than your dad’s by a little bit. You’re probably working it more than he gets to anymore.” So then as I began to bend over to pull them back up, she said, “Oh don’t bother, leave them off!” So I shrugged and sat back down.

The Nightclub Hotwife

Jim and I had been together for over a year now. We often went to a very upscale club that was at one of the nicest hotels in the city with our pack of friends. One night we were all there having a great time.

I leaned over and whispered into Jim’s ear a question. Would you like to secretly watch me fuck a stranger? I was very good at shocking him. I told him I had my eye on a guy from school that was there that night that had a reputation with the ladies for having a huge cock. I instructed him to go ahead a leave and position himself in my bedroom closet where he wouldn’t be seen and I’d be right be right there!

He was excited and left immediately. The “big guy” and I had a few dances and I asked him to take me home and fuck me. We were out of there in a minute!! Our friends were all shocked thinking that Jim and I had had a fight!

Once home and in the bedroom we were ripping our clutches off and kissing passionately. I looked past him and caught a glimpse of Jim peeking from the closet. It made me even wetter!!

The Spaghetti Dinner

Jim and I have been dating for about 7 to 8 months. I decided to cook a spaghetti dinner for Jim‘s best friends Mike and Jeff and my best friend Jackie and my roommate Mary Beth. Mary Beth would be working late and would not be home in time for the dinner party but she would have plenty to eat whenever she got home From her shift. Mike and Jeff were both rakishly handsome athletes that played rugby with Jim. Mike would later become Jim’s roommate and was our best man in our wedding!

And Then I Met Linda

I met my bride Linda just days after my ex-wife left to the very last time. It was a chance meeting at a school party and it was only in passing. We reconnected a few days later at school and we exchange numbers. Within a few days I asked her out and we had a fantastic first date That ended with some of the best sex of my entire life. But that’s where it begins.

Linda and I had our own separate apartments while we were dating they were both close to the school. Occasionally, because my apartment was closer Linda would stop by and use my apartment to rest between classes rather than go back to her own. I had given her a key and assured her that she had full run of my apartment.

Now considering this was 1982, And being a young man of 24 years old separated by my wife and very horny I had a good supply of men’s magazines, playboy, penthouse, gallery, hustler, and etc. sometimes as Linda and I were lovemaking we would stroll through some of the pictures and stories and talk about our fantasies. She was very cool about it but was engaged.

Where It All Began

I guess it all began in 1981 when I was attending med school. My wife had left me several times while I was going through school because she did not like being the wife of a poor college student and she didn’t like the lifestyle of a northern climate her being a southern girl. So it have been over six months since I had seen her and my young son. When the summer break hit I had a 24 Hour drive straight through to get home. I was exhausted but when I got home they told me that they were planning a welcome home party for me with my best friend Danny and a whole bunch of other friends from undergraduate school. So I grabbed a few hours of naptime and cleaned up and went to the party.

There was a lot of fun there was a lot of laughter and a lot of drinking. As the night wore on I was getting more and more exhausted. About 10 o’clock Danny and Penny my ex-wife said that we needed to go on a beer run. So we piled into my truck and we left with Danny driving. We drove by several places where I was sure that they would stop and get the beer they had mentioned, but they didn’t they kept driving!