Missed Connections [Str8] [M] [F] [exh]

I was deep in thought, staring out my side window and watching the people go about their daily business like I do every morning on the eastbound 6E train. I didn’t even see you at first, only the faintest hint of your fragrance commanding my attention as it floated besides you. It is difficult to explain, but have you ever been around a person that smelled so good you almost felt drunk, like that their body chemistry was made especially for you? I tried to return to my morning routine, tried to avoid stealing a look at you, I even opened the newspaper and pretended to read, but I kept breathing you in..soap, vanilla, warmth. I could not see you, but somehow I felt your eyes on me, your breath on my neck causing my hairs to stand up. You tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned to see your big smile, you asked me if I had a pen.

Your hair was shoulder length and wavy, brown with redish highlights Your lips were well shaped, with deep red lipstick. Your eyes big and hazel. You said you liked my jacket, and I may have blushed for the first time since high school. I said that I liked your lipstick.