5 Dollar Footlong [mf]

This is a 100% true story.

When I was 18 I worked at a certain sandwich place that everyone knows. I worked with a girl that I had went to school with all through middle and high school, but we never really talked as our friend groups were very different. I guess what I’m saying is that we knew each other, but not well at all.

I’d been working there for a few months when we got put on the same closing shift, just the two of us, 4 days a week. There was never any sexual tension that I picked up on, but two 18 year old heterosexual people of opposite sexes together for an extended amount of time and something is bound to pop up.

Anywho, one night she was looking at her phone and started laughing really loudly. I asked her what’s up and she just handed me her phone.

She had just recieved a text from someone that just said “Want be fbs?”. Being young and naive I didn’t pick up what that meant right off, so she explained it to me. Fuck buddies. She said that there was no way in hell she would ever have sex with that dude.