My con[f]ession

I have an overwhelming desire to give my everything, my body, my mind, my love, my being, to someone.

For better or for worst, I am unrelenting in my pursuit of strength, love and freedom. Despite it sometimes feeling like the antithesis of these values, I find myself constantly coming back to the idea of giving myself to another.

I have always kept this part of myself hidden. I thought perhaps if I start sharing, this increase my odds of finding my person. I think that’s what’s motivating this confession. I want to share something special, serve and worship, be loved and punished.

At times I feel toyed with by our probabilistic universe. My hidden desires and high standards resulting in a tortured abstinence. My vibrator only doing so much to satiate the urges to give in to someone, anyone. But I know my situation is unique, and not just anyone can satisfy the peculiar set of characteristics I’ve found myself hopelessly craving.

Categorized as Erotica