I Met My Ex At A Gangbang (Ff)(MMMMf)(true)

*I posted this under a different user when I had little writing experience, this is the expanded version*

I am a slut. A big slut. Well, technically, a short slut. I am 4’10, coming about chest-high to most men. My DD tits are usually free from any sort of bra, except maybe a lacy see-through one when I needed to dress up. But anyway, I am a big slut. I know it, most of my friends know it, and my ex definitely knew it. Well. I would hope he knew it, based on where we met.

I met him at a gangbang.

I was 19, and all of the men were 30+, (I actually lost my virginity to a 53-year-old man with one of the thickest cocks I have taken). I was in heaven. I don’t like fucking guys my age, they’re awkward and don’t know what they’re doing at all. When the man I’m with has decades of experience, you know I’m getting it good.