Using roomates panties to jerk off and still doing to this day…

Just as the title suggest i’ve been using my female roommates panties to jerkoff since we began to live together for university, i don’t know even how it all started, i’ve never been into panties before, but one of the girl is very messy and sloppy and she always leaves her dirty clothes in the bathroom, so i began almost instantly to sniff her dirty panties or her socks, i was immediately addicted, she have the best pussy smell i ever sniffed and her grool taste amazing, soon after i used all opportunity to sneak into the other girls rooms to sniff their dirty panties, they all smell and taste differently but their smell is much less strong of the first one, so even if i kept using all of their panties my favourite remains claudia’s panties(the messy first girl), almost immediately i craved more, so i ended up cumming on the crotch of their clean panties, in the bras. socks whatever they took a wash, luckily for me the washing machine is in the bathroom, so i have all the time and privacy to do my things and try to clean the clue to make less obvious that there is cum on the clean panties, and with that things escalated quickly, i began to cum on everything they have in the bathroom, and i had a huge choice, i started unloading on their toothbrush, inside their lotions, intimate cleanser, it got rapidly out of hand to the point that one of the girl complained about how watery was her intimate cleanser and her lotion, but luckily for me in that period she had argued with another roommate, and she blamed her for putting water inside her things to annoy her, she never suspected that i unloaded so much cum inside her things that they watered down to the point that the lotion instead of viscous and plain white was all watery and clear, it even smelled a little bad , from that point i started to being more cautious around the other 3 girls and their things, but never restrained myself when using claudia’s things, she is just so sloppy and clueless that i even stopped cleaning everything while using her stuff, to a point that her lotion bottle had a bit of trails of cum on the side of the bottle, to this thay she still use them till they finish and only heard her often complain to her boyfriend about how she put on a still wet panty for the day, she still do this often even now that she started working, it’s so hot knowing that my still wet cum is on their pussy lips almost everyday, they are always nice to me and i even had i little thing with one of the girl before she moved out and another girl came in her place, but still continuing to put my filthy loads in all their things…