Cross country affair pt 1(MF)

He gave you very explicit instructions before you left home. You knew the better you followed them, the better your reward would be. “No bra, tight low cut top, no panties, skirt” That’s all that accompanied the plane ticket. You had no problem not wearing a bra around the house, but out in public, on a 6 hour flight across the country? The thought made you nervous, but in that tingle between your legs sort of way. You smoothed out your shirt, adjusted your skirt, grabbed your bag and headed out the door. Your Uber was there waiting. Your driver looks back at you to greet you as you get in the car, and then does a double take. You can’t be certain, but he seems to have seen something he likes. 

Walking through the airport you feel the eyes all over you. Every so often you happen to make eye contact with someone as they try to pretend they weren’t staring, and when you do you give them a sly smile and a little wink. You weren’t sure if you were going to like the attention, but the more it happens, the more it draws you in. It’s addicting.

Categorized as Erotica

Re-igniting the spark (mf from her perspective)

This is (m)y first time posting anything I’ve written, normally I keep them to myself. So here goes nothing…

The day has finally arrived. A nervous energy washes over you as you think about it. Are you really going to go through with this? He’s been dropping hints for a while, some more subtle than others. Yes, because you love him…and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t excited you a little as well. You take one last approving look in the mirror and smile. Another wave of that tingling nervous energy washes over you as you head downstairs.

Just as you finish putting your jacket on, he pokes his head in from the garage. “Ready babes?” You nod and think to yourself “I am, are you?” as a sly little smile barely curls your lips. You talk about your days on the ride, doing your best to act normal. You don’t want to ruin the surprise.

You arrive and walk hand in hand across the parking lot. A light gust of wind comes, wrapping around your bare legs as you walk. It’s been a little while since you’ve worn a skirt, especially one this short. A familiar tingle dances up your legs as you reach the door.