ROOM 192 – By EggSaladSamurai
“Kirsten Alena Lynn, Born 29th of June, 1993. Five foot eight inches, One hundred sixt-”
“We gonna do this everyday John?” Kirsty asked impatiently.
She stood in a small concrete room, facing a security office behind a sheet of bulletproof glass with a steel door on either side of her, both arms crossed, her leather messenger bag over her left shoulder, open, waiting for her freshly-reviewed credentials to be placed back inside.
“You know procedure Kirsty, we have to make sure we’re dotting the ‘I’s. Besides, This wouldn’t take half as long if you didn’t cut me off everytime I read you-”
“This wouldn’t take half as long if you weren’t all so interested in staring at my tits.” She said, flatly.
Her sharp blue eyes cut straight through the glass shield, and John sighed.
“Fair enough.” He looked over at the monitor on his right, and spoke into a desktop microphone. “Jig’s up boys. She’s coming through.” He passed her ID badge and Assignment letter back to her and slapped the button opening the door on her left. “It was mostly Dan’s idea anyways!” He shouted after her. “Fuck you John!” She shouted back.