A wonderful surprise (mf)

His hand was on my back, I could feel that reassuring pressure as we walked through the crowd. I let him guide me towards the door, out of the bar.

We had planned this night for a week, looking forward to a little carefree rest and relaxation, a break from our busy lives. We had rented a room at a nearby hotel, letting ourselves drink and relax with abandon.

As we exited the crowded and noisy bar into the hot summer night air we fell into each other’s arms.

His hands going from reassuring to insistent, pulling my hips close to him as he kissed along my neck, his hot breath, soft kisses and the slightly prickly feeling of his 5 o’ clock shadow combined to send a shiver of pleasure down my body.

Pulling away and grabbing his hands I looked around the street, we were not alone. As late as it was we were in down town and so had many spectators to our lustful embrace.

I tilted my head forward touching his forehead as we laughed like teenagers. Holding hands, we turned and walked to our hotel.